Spotlight on New Books: Phoenix Butterfly – Path to Authenticity by Sue Lynn Wood

Phoenix Butterfly

I always felt invisible, with no color or spark.
What did I have to offer?
What was there to see in me?
Unable to see my colors in the dark.

Then I learned to see, thru the love of me;
All the things that I could be.
Embracing my colors, aiming for the sky;
Emerging from me was my butterfly.

A Phoenix Butterfly rising to a new high.
Passions pursued and inspired what I see;
I now follow the path of authenticity.
Welcoming and loving myself implicitly.


I Will Not Be a Robot

Life was the paper;
We were the pen.

Life was the easel;
We were the brush.

Life is now computerized;
I will not be a robot.


Phoenix Butterfly is a 114-page poem book personalized with four color photos of the author’s life and adventures in Alaska. The pictures cover everything from her home in Valdez to boating in Prince William Sound to kayaking with her dog in interior Alaska. There are chapters referencing the author’s passion and love of the outdoors. The longest chapter is called “Soul Searching”, and it speaks to following one’s passions to find authenticity, to heal from the past and be grateful for the future. To love and accept oneself above other opinions. A chapter to her mother detailing the gratitude of a parent and the pain of their loss. Another chapter is about the author’s husband of many decades and their adventures in the outdoors. The last chapter is about the passing of time from losing pets to moving to a new home.

The is not just a poem book but a journey of the author’s path to her authenticity and love of oneself. The dream of the author is that this book reaches whoever needs to learn to love and accept themselves to become the best of themselves. To do it well before their mid-50’s as in the author’s reality. To help youth find, accept and love themselves while still young is the true value of this book.


I felt a deep connection to the poems in this book. Sue Lynn Wood’s ability to capture the essence of living authentically in such a beautiful environment is truly remarkable. -Mark T., Reader


Sue Lynn Wood lives in Valdez, Alaska with her husband Randy and furry child Ruffy. Both born in Portland, Oregon, Sue Lynn and Randy moved to Valdez, Alaska in 1999. They were bitten by the Alaska bug in 1989 on a visit to see family in Valdez. Sue Lynn currently works full-time as a proud IBEW 1547 member. An avid dog lover, Sue Lynn has been a long-time board member of Friends of the Valdez Animal Shelter. Sue Lynn has started working on her second volume of poetry covering her journey of finally blooming at sixty years old.

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