Tricia Brown

Ela: 49 Writers Weekly Round-up

Remember the 49 Writers First Friday book signing from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. tonight at the International Gallery of Contemporary Art, 427 D St. in Anchorage.  Deb Vanasse will be signing read-aloud titles for young readers (Under Alaska’s Midnight Sun, Totem Tale, Alaska Animal Babies) and books for older readers (Amazing Alaska, ages 7-10; A Distant Enemy,

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49 writers weekly round-up

Is there any such thing as too much sunshine? Well, maybe if you factor in wildfires and smoky haze. But I’m pretty sure there’s no such thing as too much literary activity, especially if it affords an opportunity for an informal 49 writers meet-up as we’ll have Monday, July 20, at 9:45 p.m. (or 10

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