49 Writers | Roundup for Literary Alaska


– We are in the midst of planning our fall line up of classes and events and will announce options and open registration in the coming weeks.  

– We want your best 49 Writers photographs! We’re sprucing up; if you have quality, print-ready photos (or video, audio, courtroom-sketch-style workshop doodles, etc) from any point in our 6+ years history that 1) you’d like to donate and 2) you suspect we don’t already have, we’d love them! Email small doses to 49Writers@gmail.com, or get in touch about transferring large amounts. Thanks! 

What’s that with your name on it? Oh! It’s the save-the-best-for-last spot available for our Tutka Bay Writers Retreat with Debra Magpie Earling. Claim it! 

Cirque: A Literary Journal for the North Pacific Rim issue 14 (or Volume 7, No. 2) is now available. For seven years, Cirque has published the work of Alaskan and Pacific Northwest writers. It’s viewable for free online, with hard copies available for purchase. The editors accept work from Alaska, Yukon Territory, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Hawaii, and Chukotka. The new issue was already launched in Anchorage; upcoming out-of-state events are listed below.  


Paul Berg presents From Pine Ridge to Alaska Native Villages 
ANCHORAGE | Saturday, August 6 from 1-3 pm at UAA Campus Bookstore. 
In his memoir, Sandra’s Hands, A Reflective Journey from the Vietnam War to the Siege of Wounded Knee, Paul Berg explores his experiences in the Vietnam War and working as a teacher on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota for the Bureau of Indian Affairs.After 1973, when tensions on the reservation exploded and culminated in the 72 day siege of the village of Wounded Knee, Paul Berg finds himself drawn into the conflict as he strives to provide quality education to his students. Given this experience and his dedication to education, he becomes a recognized national expert in cross-cultural education and establishes, with Bill Demmert and Richard Dauenhauer, the first cross-cultural education course required for teacher certification in Alaska. Attendees will learn about the effects of education policies today. Free parking at UAA on Saturdays.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Celebration
ANCHORAGE | Friday, August 12 from 10 am through 5 pm at the UAA Campus Bookstore
Activities include:  Meet the Snowy Owl (noon-1 pm), Dramatic Readings with Toby Widdicombe, Sharon Emmerichs, Jennifer Stone—faculty from the UAA English Dept. and others (1:15-3:30 pm), Costume Contest, Sorting Hat Station, Trivia Contests, Cooking Demonstrations (10:30am-11:30am and 4-5 pm), Drowsy Wolf Specials, and more. Free parking at UAA on Fridays.

Ashley Sweeney Book Signings
ANCHORAGE | 1) Monday, August 15, 1-3 pm at the Anchorage Museum and 2) August 18th, 6-8 pm at Barnes & Noble. Author Ashley Sweeney will sign copies of her new novel, Eliza Waite. The book is part diary, part recipe file, and part Gold Rush. Sweeney did extensive research for this book at the Anchorage Museum. A native New Yorker, Ashley E. Sweeney lives and writes in La Conner, Washington. She is a graduate of Wheaton College in Norton, MA and is an award-winning journalist in Washington State. Included with Museum admission.

Alaskan Author and Historian Dan O’Neill
ANCHORAGE | Sunday, August 21 from 1-3 pm at UAA/APU Consortium Library room 307
Dan O’Neill has become a living legend in Alaska. He is the author of The Firecracker Boys: H-Bombs, Inupiat Eskimosand the Roots of the Environmental MovementA Land Gone Lonesome: An Inland Voyage along the Yukon River; The Last Giant of Beringia: The Mystery of the Bering Land Bridge; and recently Stubborn Gal: The True Story of an Undefeated Sled Dog Racer, a children’s book published by The University of Alaska Press. Free parking at UAA on Sundays. Dan came to Alaska in 1975 and has mushed dogs, trapped, hunted, and worked in construction and on the pipeline. As research associate at the UAF’s Oral History Program, he produced radio and television documentaries for public broadcasting. For several years, he wrote a column of political opinion for the Fairbanks daily newspaper.  

The “Female” in Indigenous and Pre Socratic Cultures
ANCHORAGE | Wednesday, August 24 from 4-6 pm at the UAA Campus Bookstore
Guest speakers include Dr. Jacqueline Rahm (UAF Dept. of Indigenous Studies), Dr. Rachel Mason, (UAA Anthropology Dept., NPS), Dr. Kirsten Helweg Hanson (UAA Philosophy Dept.), and Wolfgang Olsson (UAA Honor’s College graduate). This multi-disciplinary event will contrast theories that focus on the “female” and why the “female” has been suppressed and/or discarded over the years. Topics will include wisdom teachings, the Goddess, the importance of Aspasia, and the fate of Feminist Anthropology. Free parking for this event in the South Lot, Sports Complex NW Lot, West Campus Central Lot, and Sports Campus West Lot.

John Luther Adams 

ANCHORAGE | The Alaska Humanities Forum will welcome John Luther Adams for a series of events as part of the Pulitzer Prizes Centennial Campfires Initiative to celebrate excellence in journalism and the arts. 

John Luther Adams is a composer and author whose life and work is deeply rooted in the natural world—especially in Alaska, where he lived for forty years before moving to New York City in 2015. Adams was awarded the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for music for his symphonic work Become Ocean, and a 2015 Grammy Award for “Best Contemporary Classical Composition.” He has taught widely, including at Harvard University and the Oberlin Conservatory, and served as composer in residence with the Anchorage Symphony, Anchorage Opera, Fairbanks Symphony, Arctic Chamber Orchestra, and APRN.  
The public is invited to a series of three free events during John Luther Adams’ visit to Anchorage; you can also tune in to 106.1 FM KONR to listen to selected works from september 1-7.

READING AND BOOK SIGNING | Thursday, September 1, 6-8 pm at Cyrano’s Playhouse. Adams will read from his upcoming memoir, Silences So Deep: A Memoir of Music and AlaskaPassages reflecting on his friendships with poet John Haines and composer Gordon Wright have been excerpted in the New Yorker and Alaska Quarterly Review.

ARTIST’S TALK & RECEPTION | Friday, September 2, Talk: 7 P.M | Reception 8 P.M. at  Anchorage Museum. A growing number of geologists believe we have entered a new period – the Anthropocene – in which the dominant geologic force is humanity itself. What does this mean for a composer, or for any creative artist working in any medium today?

VEILS AND VESPER INSTALLATION | Friday & Saturday, September 2 & 3 | 6 P.M. – midnight. Veils and Vesper is a series of distinct but related electronic pieces written

by Adams in 2005. When the pieces are installed together, listeners are able to create their own ‘mix’ and experience the music by moving through an immersive environment.

FAIRBANKS | Fairbanks Arts Association hosts the oldest literary reading series in the state. Every month, writers reading their own work publicly at a community meet-up where people can connect with other lovers of literature. Readings are held on the day after First Friday, usually the first Saturday of the month at 7 pm. Most reading are held in the Bear Gallery in Pioneer Park, although occasionally in the summer (June, July, and August) the weather is beautiful reading are held outside to another spot in Pioneer Park. Upcoming: 
August 6Paul Greci
SeptemberUAF Faculty Reading
DecemberRosemary McGuire
Additional readings and events may be held, but the First Saturday Literary Reading Series is monthly at 7 pm the day after First Friday (except February). 
Woosh Kinaadeiyi’s Summer Showcase Redux 
JUNEAU | Tuesday, July 29th at 7pm, at KTOO / 360 Egan Drive, Alaska. KTOO Alaska Originals series presents Woosh Kinaadeiyí has has been given the opportunity to take part in KTOO’s “Alaska Originals” series. “Alaska Originals” is KTOO’s statewide TV (360 North Television) and radio program that features Alaskan musicians and artists sharing original work. The performance will be recorded for broadcast throughout Alaska. All are invited to be a part of the studio audience. Woosh Kinaadeiyí will offer spoken word performances from ZIggy Unzicker, Ryan Carrillo, Mike Christenson, and Christy NaMee Eriksen! All poetry will be accompanied by Jacob Pickard, with host Conor Lendrum. Doors will open at 6:30 and the show will start at 7 sharp. Admission will be pay as you can, and seating is limited. Learn more about 360 North, KTOO or the “Alaska Originals” series, here.



BOTHELL, WASHINGTON | A Cirque reading will be held on August 19, 5:30 pm, at Tsuga Gallery on Main Street. more info  

BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON | A Cirque reading will be held at the Mount Baker Theater, Encore Room, August 28, 2016 at 3 pm. more info   

PORTLAND, OREGON | Author David Stevenson reads from his new book, Warnings Against Myself, at Mother Foucault’s Bookshop, August 11th, 7 pm. More

Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival Creative Writing Class
July 18-29th, 2016,  M-F 9:00-4:20  
FAIRBANKS | This class is open to people with all levels of writing skills. The focus is on generating new work. Students will write every day under the guidance of the Festival staff. Each day will offer directed writing activities and close readings of literature from a writer’s perspective. We will discuss poetry and prose, and students may write either or both. The class will focus on generating new writing. Students will practice several stages of the writing process: beginning, drafting and revising. 1 week  $210, two weeks $395 | University credit is available, with separate registration.
2016 Tutka Bay Writers Retreat
September 9-11th, 2016 
TUTKA BAY LODGE | This 49 Writers program takes place at the fantastic Tutka Bay Lodge. Faculty instructor award-winning writer Debra Magpie Earling will lead fiction writers in an in-depth writing workshop. Emphasizing in-class writing supportiveness, collegiality, and a constructive atmosphere, the engaged student will emerge with improved techniques for further work. Registration is $600 for members and $650 for nonmembers. Learn more and register.

2016 Alaska Writers Guild Annual Conference for Writers & Illustrators
September 24th plus optional intensives and roundtables on Sept. 23rd.
SCBWIAlaska Writers Guild
ANCHORAGE | This year’s conference is a partnership between Alaska Writers Guild, 49 Writers, and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. This all-day event takes place at the BP Energy + Conference Center and includes keynotes and panels, as well as writing craft, marketing, traditional publishing, self publishing, children’s literature, illustration tracks. Sign up for optional Intensives or Roundtable Critiques, or take advantage of One-on-One Manuscript Excerpt Reviews. Early bird discount extended until July 31st at only $95 for AWG/49 Writers/SCBWI members or $145 for non-members. More info and registration here.  

The North Words Writers Symposium has announced their 2017 dates: May 31-June 3rd, which should better accommodate educators. More details to come. 
Rasmuson Foundation Artist Residency Program application period is open until August 15, 2016. Eligible creative writers or media artists are invited to apply for fully-funded, two-month-long writing residencies in 2017 at Djerassi Resident Artists Program in the Santa Cruz Mountains near San Francisco. Alaska writers who have received the award in prior years include Arlitia Jones, Christine Byl, Ernestine Saankalaxt’ Hayes, and Rosemary McGuire. Artists of other disciplines are eligible to apply for residencies elsewhere, too. Learn more and apply.   

The Alaska Literary Awards are open to poets, playwrights, screenwriters, writers of fiction and literary nonfiction, writers of multi-genre, cross-genre, or genre-defying work. Any Alaska writer over 18 who is not a full-time student is eligible to apply. Quality of the work is the primary consideration in determining who receives the awards. $5,000 awards will be given, all from privately donated funds. Apply at www.callforentry.org by Sept. 1, 2016 at 9:59 AKDT. 

The Anchorage International Film Festival Screenplay Competition | AIFF is making a second Call for Entries for independent Features, Documentaries, Shorts, Animation and our “Made in Alaska” categories. Their first annual Screenplay competition is also open. Regular deadline to submit is August 12, with final deadline on September 5, 2016. More information: www.anchoragefilmfestival.org

In early August, the Alaska State Council on the Arts will seek nominations for the 
2017 Governor’s Awards for the Arts, as well as the next Alaska State Writer Laureate.
 The deadline for nominations for Governor’s Awards for the Arts is September 15, 2016 and nominations for State Writer Laureate will be accepted through October 3, 2016This year, the categories for the Governor’s Awards for the Arts are: 
Arts Education, Individual Artist, Arts Organization and Alaska Native Arts. The Governor’s Awards for the Arts and Humanities ceremony will be held in Juneau on Thursday, January 26, 2017Visit ASCA’s website here for information about last year’s Governor’s Awardees, and here for the Alaska State Writer Laureate program.

Ghostwriting opportunity | A search is underway to find an experienced ghostwriter to write a series of twelve non-fiction articles for publication. These articles will be about the history of an immigrant family arriving in Alaska in the late ’40s. The selected ghostwriter will be expected to agree on the proposed content and timeline for a series of articles and then interview the client and develop the articles from the interviews. Interested writers are invited to provide a CV, recent examples of work as a ghostwriter, demonstration of the ability to write in the client’s voice, examples/references which show an ability to meet deadlines and communicate effectively and efficiently, references which show an ability to work well with a client to enable a sharing of ideas, fact checking and research skills, pay rate, ability to discuss ideas and research with the client in a non-judgmental way; description of process to give the client the opportunity to approve, ask questions and give feedback on the material, and agreement to sign a nondisclosure a
greement. If interested, please send required documents and your rates to 13gwriter13@gmail.com by Friday, August 19, 2016
Thank You for Your Support!
49 Writers members and donors make this blog possible, along with our workshops, Crosscurrents events, readings and craft talks, and other programs. Not a member yet? Join Us 
Have news, events, or opportunities you’d like to see listed here? Email details to 49roundup (at) gmail.com. Your message must be received by noon on the Thursday before the roundup is scheduled to run. Unless your event falls in the “Opportunities and Awards” category, it should occur no more than 30 days from when we receive your email.

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