49 Writers Weekly Round-up

We enjoyed a
great craft talk earlier this week with Kris Farmen at Great Harvest Bread.
Kris impressed us with his in-depth knowledge of the historical period in which
he has set his newly published novel,
Again—the Kenai Peninsula of the 1890s—and his description of the process
and challenges of writing a novel drawn from fact. Thanks to volunteers Lucian
Childs and Lorena Knapp, who organize these events, to publisher Vered Mares,
and to Barbara Hood and the excellent staff at Great Harvest Bread! If you missed the talk, why not come to the Turn Again book launch party at Out North on October 10, 6:30pm.
How do you
plan to celebrate
Alaska Book Week? Book
displays, author visits, author panels, and radio interviews are among some of
the activities planned around the state. Make October 6-13 the week you buy the book on Alaska or book by an
Alaska author that you’ve always been meaning to read! You can also get your
own Alaska Book Week bookmark at one of the following bookstores: The Anchorage
Museum Bookstore, The Babbling Book (Haines), Barnes & Noble (Anchorage),
Fireside Books (Palmer), Gulliver’s Books (Fairbanks), The Homer Bookstore,
Metro Music & Books (Anchorage), Tales Told Twice (Talkeetna), Title Wave
Books (Anchorage), and the UAA Campus Bookstore. Thank you to the many
individuals, businesses, and organizations stepping up to acknowledge the
contribution of Alaska’s writers and Alaska books to our culture and
communities. And thank you again to our primary sponsor University of Alaska
Press. Events are listed at the Alaska Book Week
website and on the website calendar.

Thanks to the generosity of The Babbling Book in Haines we are giving away two of Heather Lende’s books today at the Alaska Book Week webiste – this is your chance to win a signed copy of Take Good Care of the Garden and the Dogs or If You Lived Here I’d Know Your Name. Click here to enter.
49 Writers
is pleased to announce a new workshop in our fall lineup: Poetic Line with
distinguished visiting poet Linda Gregerson on Sunday, October 14, 10am-noon.
We encourage you
to take advantage of the opportunity to learn from this fine poet and
accomplished educator on her brief visit to Alaska.
In this
workshop we will examine some contrasting uses of the poetic line in poems by
contemporary English-language poets. We will also engage in writing exercise
that encourage experimentation with a range of lineation strategies and types.
Writers of both poetry and prose are welcome, as well as readers looking to
broaden their knowledge of poetic craft. For information and to register,
click here. There is still time to register for our other fall classes too!
Don’t forget
that on October 13, 7-8:30pm, Linda
Gregerson and Arlitia Jones will be joining forces for a unique Synergies event
at Out North,
Workaday: New
Poems, New Play
. Book signing and no-host after
party at Kinley’s to follow. Note: Play contains strong adult language.

Write Young Alaska or WYAK, the youth program of 49 Writers, is pleased to announce its next round of three youth writing contests. The deadline for submissions to the first contest, “Ghosts and Legends,” is October 31. Give us a bone-chilling tale of your own creation, or a local legend in your own words! This is your chance to be published online in the WYAK zine Alaska Out Loud, and a $25 prize will be awarded to the winner in each age category.

Can you
spare a few hours to volunteer at Loussac Library’s Teen Underground to assist
with their writing program? TU VISTA Candace Blas is looking for help with
organizing and leading teen workshops for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing
Month), November 1-30. If you are
interested, please contact her at
BlasCM@ci.anchorage.ak.us. Thank you!
This fall 49
Writers has partnered again with the Alaska SCWBI (Society of Children’s Book
Writers and Illustrators) to offer a virtual critique of your work in progress.
Members of 49 Writers can register at the SCWBI member rate. The deadline for
submitting your work for the virtual critique is October 11. The critique workshop will take place on November 3.
Click here for more information and to register.
Tonight, Friday, October 5, 5:30-7 pm in both of APU’s Art Galleries is the opening reception for the  Alaska Quarterly Review 30th Anniversary “Liberty & Justice For All” exhibition. The exhibit features the photography and narratives of 68 of the world’s best photojournalists from 23 nations. The publication in spring and summer 2012 was acclaimed by the National Endowment for the Arts and this event is Alaska’s premiere of the exhibition just returned from presentation at the Frontline Club in London, UK and exhibition for more than two months at the Fovea Exhibitions gallery in Beacon, NY and for a month at the VII Gallery in New York City with coverage in TIME magazine, Tumblr, and The New York Times. The VII Gallery opening panel discussion was also made into a public television program and broadcast statewide in Alaska on September 8-10.

Tonight, Friday October 5, 7.30 pm, acclaimed
Nigerian writer Chris Abani presents “Stories of Struggle, Stories of Hope:
Art, Politics and Human Rights” at the UAA Student Union Den. He will speak on the role of Art and Literature
in defending Human Rights and democracy.
For inquiries
about the event, visit 
www.uaa.alaska.edu/sll/activities or contact UAA Student Activities at (907) 786-1219 or events@uaa.alaska.edu.
Tomorrow, Saturday October 6, the Island
Institute sponsors Sitka’s second “Writers Read.” 12-1pm, Yaw Chapel on Sheldon Jackson Campus. Featuring Eugene
Solovyov, Tracy Turner, Vivian Prescott, Marjean Ragsdale, and Howie
Martindale. Bring your lunch and enjoy!

On Thursday, October 11, 7:30—8:45pm, the Alaska Center for the Book and Anchorage Public Library and co-sponsoring an author’s panel, “Writing Readable Alaska History,” at the Z. J. Loussac Public Library, 3600 Denali Street, Public Conference Room, Level One. Join local authors for a discussion of how to translate Alaska history into page-turninTg reading. Featured authors are Kris Farmen, Kaylene Johnson, and Carol Sturgulewski. Light refreshments will be served.

If you have news to share of publishing success, a book signing, or any other literary activity in your community, feel free to email us at 49writers@gmail.com and we’ll help to spread the word.

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