are proud to announce another Crosscurrents literary weekend, coming up April 28 and 29 in Kodiak. Thanks to
support from the Alaska Humanities Forum and our amazing local partners, Kodiak
College and the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, 49 Writers is bringing Eva Saulitis (Into Great Silence) to Kodiak for a series of events that coincide
with the annual Whale Fest celebration. Her on-stage Crosscurrents partner will
be local debut author Sara Loewen (Gaining Daylight). If you plan to take
the free workshop on Sunday 28, 1-4 pm,
be sure to register in
advance on our website.
Many thanks to Leigh Newman for her reading from Still Points North and her inspiring and candid talk last night on the ups and downs of writing a memoir. It was exciting to hear her talk, from her perspective as a national editor, about the renaissance of literature in Alaska. We are hot! Despite the gorgeous evening sunshine, she attracted an excellent turnout. Thank you to all of you who have supported our spring Reading & Craft Talk series, especially those of you who attended all five: Bill Streever, Cinthia Ritchie, Anne Coray, Eva Saulitis, and Leigh Newman. Kudos to Barbara Hood and Dirk Sisson at Great Harvest Bread for their unsurpassed hospitality. And thanks to our volunteer Reading & Craft Talk coordinators, Lucian Childs and Lorena Knapp. If you’d to suggest authors to feature in fall, just let us know!
There’s still time to catch Leigh Newman in Anchorage: tonight, April 26, 7 pm, she appears in a “double feature” at Cyrano’s with Pulitzer Prize finalist Eowyn Ivey. Then she’s off to Fairbanks, where you can attend her presentation tomorrow, April 27, 6pm at Gulliver’s Books and go to her book signing at the Fairbanks Barnes & Noble on Sunday, April 28, 11:00-1:00 pm.
Upcoming events featuring Debra Gwartney:
- Friday-Sunday, May 3-5, weekend workshop on “The Art of Scene Writing in Personal Narrative” at Kachemak Bay Campus in Homer. To register, go to or, if you’re in Homer, stopy by Kachemak Bay Campus off Pioneer. The workshop is listed as CED A049, R30 and CRN #40646. Call 907-235-1651.
- Monday, May 6, 11:30-1:00 pm, Brown bag lunch seminar on Publishing Nonfiction: Personal Narrative, Memoir, Personal Essay. Free admission to 49 Writers members. Suggested donation of $5 for non-members.
- Monday, May
6, 5:30-7:00 pm, Talk on Pitfalls of the Memoir. Cheese and wine will be served.
$10 for 49 Writers members, $15 for non-members. Register
online. Both May 6 events will take place at
Alaska Public Media, 3877 University Drive, Anchorage.
April 27, 8-am-2pm, at Clark Middle School, the Alaska Writers Guild will hold
a free Young Writers Conference for Grades 6-12. Sponsored in partnership with
the Anchorage School District, the conference is for middle and high school
students who are interested in improving their writing and becoming a published
author. Register here.
April 28, 5pm, don’t miss poets Erin Coughlin Hollowell and Peggy Shumaker
reading from their new collections. Bunnell Street Arts Gallery, catered by
April 30, 7 pm, the Sitka Island Institute hosts Women of the Fleet at Kettleson Library, a talk and slide show with writer-in-residence Cedar Marie. $5 suggested donation. refreshments provided.
deadline for Fall residencies coming up May
20: they invite applications from two artists who wish to collaborate, or
who sense synergy between their arts. At least one of the two must be a writer
who is in alignment with the Institute’s scope of work.
local poet for May’s Poetry Parley. Learn more about her here. Stay tuned for
more about this month’s marquee poet.
America are holding their sixth annual Breakup Contest for manuscripts.
Deadline May 1. For full submission guidelines, see their website.
Friday, May 3, 2-3 pm, UAA Campus Bookstore: John Tippets presents Heart of Courage: The Gillam Plane Crash and the Amazing True Story of Survival in the Frozen Wilderness of Alaska. This book bring to life the amazing true account of the 1943 Gillam plane crash in the wilderness of southeast Alaska, when the survivors endured a month of sub zero temperatures and little food before their dramatic rescue. Based on the first-hand descriptions of his father.
Submit to the Robert Service Poetry Contest! Up Here magazine is now accepting entries in its Third Annual Robert Service Poetry Contest – a celebration of the Bard of the Klondike and the wild and woolly northland that he loved.There are strange things done in the midnight sun, and we want your poems about them. The rules are simple: Send us a rollicking, rhyming poem about Canada’s north, capturing the spirit and style of Robert Service. Poems must be 500 words or fewer, must be original and unpublished, and must be received by July 1, 2013. no more than three poems per entrant, please, and be sure to include your contact info. What’s in it for you? first, glory: the winning poems will be published in an upcoming special issue of Up Here. Second, riches. The winning poet gets $750; the runner-up, $250. Published in Yellowknife and celebrating 29 years of publication, Up Here was named Magazine of the Year by the National Magazine Awards Foundation in 2010. It’s the highest-circulation periodical north of Sixty, covering the people, places and events of the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut and beyond. For more information, visit