49 Writers Weekly Roundup

Head out from the city, and the leaves are starting to turn. That can only mean one thing: it’s time to choose a title for our 49 Writers Fall Online Book Club discussion. Vote in the side bar to the right (below are links to descriptions and reviews of all nominated titles). Polling closes at 8 a.m. Monday, August 31, with the discussion scheduled for September 28 and 29.

If our book club selection isn’t enough to keep you busy, you might want to check out President Obama’s vacation reading list, sent in by reader Michael Engelhard.

Looking for another great activity? Anchorage nature writer and author Bill Sherwonit will teach Writing Down the Wild, a 12-week nature writing class beginning Sept. 17. Participants in this workshop-style class will explore and refine their own writing styles, with an emphasis on the personal essay form. The class will also read and discuss works by some of America’s finest nature writers, past and present. The cost is $200. To sign up for this Thursday night class (7 to 9:30 p.m.), or for more information, contact Sherwonit at 245-0283 or akgriz@hotmail.com.

Alaska’s State Writer Laureate Nancy Lord is on the move, visiting libraries and bookstores in conjunction with the publication of her new book Rock, Water, Wild: An Alaskan Life (University of Nebraska Press). During each of her visits to Kodiak, Sutton, Wasilla, Palmer, and Talkeetna, she’ll also be meeting with library supporters to share the Homer experience of successful fundraising for their new library.

Nancy Lord’s September Appearance Schedule:

Sept. 11 Kodiak Public Library, 7 p.m., reading and talk

Sept. 12 Kodiak, The Next Page Bookstore, 1-3 p.m. book signing

Sept. 14 Homer, Bunnell Street Arts Center, 7 p.m. book party for Rock, Water, Wild: An Alaskan Life

Sept. 15 Anchorage, 7 p.m., Alaska Writers Guild, Barnes & Noble store, “Literary, Popular, Genre, Journalistic: One Writer’s Take on Labels, Goals, and Definitions of Good Writing”

Sept. 16 Sutton Public Library, 7:30 p.m., reading and talk

Sept. 17 Talkeetna, Denali Arts Center at The Hangar, 6 p.m. reception co-sponsored with Talkeetna Public Library
7-9 writers workshop

Sept. 18 Talkeetna Public Library, 6 p.m. reading/talk

Sept. 19 Wasilla, 10-11:30 Walden Books book signing
2 p.m. Wasilla city hall council chambers, reading/talk sponsored by Wasilla library

Sept. 20 Palmer Public Library, 2 p.m. reading/talk
4-5 Book signing at Fireside Books

Sept. 28 Anchorage, 6 p.m. reading/talk/book signing at Title Wave Books

This week I received word that my book Totem Tale has been selected as a read-aloud book for around 40,000 children in 50 public elementary schools in Washington, DC through the Reading is Fundamental (RIF) DC Initiative (“DCI”), a special program facilitating free book distribution and motivational activities. All children in participating schools get to choose a free book to keep at each of the three book distribution events held during the school year. Totem Tale will be featured in the first book distribution event during November, which is American Indian Heritage Month

4 thoughts on “49 Writers Weekly Roundup”

  1. Andromeda Romano-Lax

    Deb, congratulations on your Totem Tale news! What an honor and how exciting.

    And this week, I've been meaning to congratulate Nancy Lord on her latest book as well. I saw the beautiful hardcover on display at Title Wave the first time a few days ago, and wish her all the best on her upcoming talks!

  2. Ditto to Nancy – a beautiful book! BTW, guess where I finally found Streever's Cold? Mosquito Books, at the airport. They're great about stocking and promoting local books.

  3. Deb –
    Congrats on Totem Tale!And thanks again to you and Andromeda for providing this site for Alaskan writers…
    I lurk here far too often when I should be writing!

  4. Thanks, Don. We like to think of it as inspiration rather than procrastination. Stop by again (maybe a guest post?) and let us know what you're up to.

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