49 Writers Weekly Roundup

There’s still time to submit your “Ode to a Dead Salmon” –
the deadline is July 31. We’ve
received some great poetry and prose entries but want to make sure that
everyone has an opportunity to give us the best of their worst writing. Check
the original blog
for contest criteria and email your entry to
49writers@gmail.com. You can view entries from the first two years of the contest at the Ode to a Dead Salmon blog.

Nominations are now open for the 2012-2014 Alaska State Writer Laureate. Eligibility is open to Alaskan writers from all genres who, throughout their careers, have demonstrated:

  • Literary excellence and mastery in style, form, and genre;
  • Exemplary professionalism and exceptional talent in published works; 
  • Service to Alaskan communities and a commitment to the advancement of the Literary Arts in Alaskan communities; 
  • A history of providing public presentations or teaching; 
  • A significant body of published work in Alaska. 
2012-2014 State Writer Nomination Form can be found on the homepage of
the Alaska State Council on the Arts website at www.eed.state.ak.us/aksca (in
the “What’s New” section). The form must be received together as one
nomination packet sent to: Alaska State Council on the Arts, 161 Klevin Street
#102, Anchorage, AK 99508 or e-mailed as one PDF to andrea.noble-pelant@alaska.gov by 4pm on or before Friday August 31, 2012.
Alaska State Council on the Arts will review the nominations and select the
State Writer Laureate, who will be announced at the Governor’s Awards for the
Arts and Humanities to be held at the Captain Cook Hotel in Anchorage on
October 18, 2012.
are also open for the 2012 Governor’s Awards for the Arts in the following
categories: Arts Education,
Individual Artist, Arts Organization and Native Arts. 
Eligibility is open to any
individual, organization or institution that has made a significant
contribution to the arts in Alaska, with the exception of current ASCA Council
members, staff or prior Award recipients. Deadline for nominations is August 31, 2012. More
information on the awards criteria and nomination forms are available at the
Alaska State Council on the Arts website at www.eed.state.ak.us/aksca (under
“What’s New”).

49 Writers volunteer Lucian Childs was a finalist in Glimmer Train’s April 2012 Family Matters contest for his short story, “Approaching Zero.” His story, “A Momentary Lapse,” has just come out in print in Sanskrit Literary-Arts Magazine. Congratulations, Lucian! If you have news of any literary successes, do let us know – we are happy to share with our writing community.

The Hope Libary invites you to visit
Hope for summer fun on Saturday,
August 4, 11am to 4pm
.  Check out their poster for the fabulous
line-up of authors.
Do you
use the Loussac for research for school or work? The Library needs your input
to learn how the Loussac can better meet your needs today and in the future. They
hope you will join them at an upcoming focus group specifically for
researchers. Mark your calendars to join the discussion on Friday,
August 10, 11am to 1pm at the Loussac Library, Ann Stevens Room. Your input will
be incorporated in the Z.J. Loussac Library Facility Master Plan, which will
set the scope for a once-in-a-generation renovation of this important community
landmark. The Library wants to ensure that major changes to the facility
reflect the needs and desires of the community. To date, two community
workshops have been held with attendance of more than 100 at each, and 866
responses to the online survey have been received. This series of focus groups
will help the project team get ideas and feedback from audiences who are
important to the future of the library, but may not have been represented
earlier in the process. 
is limited. RSVP to 
stockertce@muni.org by July 31.
More information can be found at 

The Kodiak Arts Council is pleased to announce its foray into the literary arts! Whether you write regularly or are just starting out, the Emerald Isle 2012 Writer’s Conference, August 6-11, is sure to offer insight and inspiration. Everyone is encouraged to participate. There are workshops for both kids and adults. Workshops taught by visiting professors from Minnesota and Texas. Workshop descriptions, schedule, and registration available online atwww.kodiakartscouncil.org or (907) 486-5291.

Alaska Crew Training, Inc. is offering a
three-day course in Anchorage on Practical Screenwriting, August 16-18. This intensive, hands-on program is designed to cover
all the key elements of creating a compelling, entertaining, and saleable
screenplay. As part of the course, students will also get the opportunity to
develop a logline, verbal pitch, and workable treatment of a screenplay
project. Instructor Craig Heller is a four-time Emmy award winning writer and
teacher, who has also won the Writers Guild of America Script of the Year
Award. Course fee is $350. To sign up click here

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