Andromeda: Happy 4th of July from 49 Writers

I’m pre-posting this Tuesday night, because my plan for the 4th of July is to celebrate my independence from the internet, regular work, and distractions of all kinds. Unlike most Independence Days, when I usually go for a hike followed by a BBQ, I’m planning to spend the entire day at home. Alone. (Husband off to graduate school in Juneau for the summer; son happily at arts camp.) Before she heads off on her own 4th of July adventure, my daughter will be hiding the wireless router from me tonight (no joke). I’m well-stocked on snacks, the house will be empty, and I plan to write and read, without any flickering screens or ringing phones–something I haven’t done since I spent a wonderful few days in Homer last April.

I hope you get some independence on July 4th as well. Yes, I know it’s the birthday of our nation, and that’s well worth celebrating, but I also hope you get to simply celebrate a moment of leisure and perhaps reflection or inspiration, whether it’s spent outdoors, with friends or family, or –like me–reading and writing.

Need a last minute American reading recommendation? I just finished two really good books and am in the middle of a third:

For a taste of America–Mormon style–in the 1870s (interwoven with a contemporary storyline), try The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff.

For a taste of America–and issues of parenting and motherhood–in the 1980s (with evocative childhood scenes from decades earlier), try The Good Mother by Sue Miller.

For a taste of a politically and culturally volatile America just after 9/11, try The Submission by Amy Waldman.

And it should go without saying, if you’ve recently read a great book that captures a slice of America, please let us know about it here!

1 thought on “Andromeda: Happy 4th of July from 49 Writers”

  1. Lynn Lovegreen

    Happy 4th!!!! I saw the Anchorage parade with my husband to celebrate Independence Day, and hope to settle down for a few hours of writing after this.

    I recently finished Don Rearden's The Raven's Gift. He does a great job showing us Western Alaska as no other person can. And the writing itself is stunning–I highly recommend it!!!!!!

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