Andromeda: A link to Kathy Tarr's essay about Richard Rodriguez, in Cirque

Today’s post is just a link, but a good one. Cirque’s beautiful-as-always new issue is online, with many Alaska names that will be familiar to you all, as well as new names and lots to explore across the genres. In time for the North Renaissance Arts and Science Reading Series (presented by UAA’s Creative Writing and Literary Arts MFA program and open to the public), Cirque includes an essay by Kathy Tarr on her experience, when she was a graduate student in Pittsburgh, in 2003, meeting noted author Richard Rodriguez, who will be speaking in Alaska for the first time on July 10.

Read the essay on page 73, mark your calendar, and note that the NRA&S Reading Series has great readers and speakers for over a week, beginning with the Rodriguez talk on Sunday, July 10 at 8 pm (ARTS 150). And congrats again to Mike Burwell for another great issue of Cirque.