Andromeda: Seeking 2013 Featured Authors

We’re turning the corner into deep winter, and that means it’s time to be
thankful for our wonderful audience and time to schedule our 2013
featured authors
. Is it your turn to share thoughts about writing,
reading, and Alaska life with our varied audience of fellow readers, writers,
booksellers, and random web-surfers? Featured authors post once a week for an
assigned month (posts of about 800 words or less, submitted four times).

year we ask for volunteers and generally get a few more than we need– but don’t
let that discourage you. In fact, we are eager to widen our reach and whether
you’ve guest-posted in the past or have never left a single comment, please
apply. Maybe you know of other Alaska writers not yet familiar with 49Writers. Please feel free to share this with them, via email or FB. Help us make new connections in 2013.

Our call will be out until approx. December 19. Just drop a line to Andromeda at indicating
your genre or background (in brief) and whether you’re requesting a specific
month or are flexible.