Andromeda: The Sticky Note Resolution

In days ahead you’ll be hearing more about Resolve to Write events in Alaska, and in the past I’ve written at length about resolutions (see this 2009 post about changing my attitude about aspects of the writer’s life–which I would do well to review again, this year, since my attitudes still need a-changing!).

But today, I challenge you to resolve — or simply to remind yourself about — one small thing in 2013.

It may not be a major goal, per se. Maybe it’s just a few words you need to remember in order to stay focused on your current novel, memoir, or other project. For example, last year I heard bestselling nonfiction author Hope Edelman talk about the fact that she explicitly writes her book’s theme — distilled into just a few words — and sticks it to her monitor, to remind herself never to stray from her focus. I was impressed to know that even a successful author still uses self-focusing tricks like that.

So, if you had to stick a few words to your monitor — whether about your dreams, your goals, your intentions, the meaning behind what they’re doing — what would they be?

If you don’t want to share the words themselves, that’s ok too, but let us know if you’re using this or any other kind of trick, resolution, mantra or road map to start the year right.

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