Andromeda: We Need a Roundup Queen (or King)!

If you’re a regular reader, you know about our Friday weekly roundups. That’s where Deb collects all the literary news, deadlines and so on that are some of my all-around favorite features of this blog.

The great thing about writing the roundup is that it puts you in touch with everything literary happening or about to happen in Alaska. People send news, and the roundup writer receives, condenses, and occasionally rewrites pieces of it, with the option of adding her (or his!) two cents as desired. The roundup writer finds out first about new books coming out; new grant deadlines; new book signings. It’s a cool gig, and one at which Deb has succeeded admirably since we created this collaborative blog about 18 months ago.

But you might have heard about this new writing center thing we’ve got started. And this little guesthouse we just opened. And this interesting retreat we’re organizing this fall. And — well, you get the picture. It’s all great, but it happens to fill our waking hours. Some of our sleeping hours, too.

Deb and I love the blog — the blog started it all! — but we could use some help. Deb has asked for assistance via our general volunteer recruitment procedure (form at right), but I thought I’d take this particular request a notch higher and show you the human face behind this particular request — a smiling face that is shouting, “Help!?”

We’ve got so many volunteers doing incredible things, but we really need one super-reliable, literary-minded person to take on this mission. The ideal person loves to read forwarded emails and loves that buzz of feeling connected and part of the Alaska literary future, so much so that he or she doesn’t mind tapping and tweaking for about two hours a week. That person might even have ideas how to coordinate the roundup with our coming-soon website calendar, so that we have a truly one-stop-shopping place for every Alaska lit news item out there. Is that person you?

If so, write to me this week at

P.S. If this sounds like you, but summer is the busiest time of your year, let me know that as well; time-sharing is a possibility.

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