Guest Posts

Guest Blogger Bryan Allen Fierro | Let Me Pin You Down

The one question I get more than any other regarding my new fiction collection, Dodger Blue Will Fill Your Soul, is Did all those stories actually happen? I usually respond with something about truth being no excuse for fiction, or some other defensive-ism that confirms a satisfying enough response for the reader/interrogator. I explain that

Guest Blogger Bryan Allen Fierro | Let Me Pin You Down Read More »

Mary Catharine Martin | On Writing Characters Who Don’t Look Like You

For the last few years, I’ve been conflicted about something integral to fiction: writing characters with different backgrounds and experiences from me. I am white, and though I now live in Alaska, my family has deep roots in the south. I have benefited in pretty major and obvious ways from white privilege. I don’t want

Mary Catharine Martin | On Writing Characters Who Don’t Look Like You Read More »

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