The big news this week comes from Seattle and Denver, where Andromeda’s doing all sorts of research and making connections for what we hope to grow into an Alaska Writing Center. More about that next week. For now, back to Alaska.
Enrollment is open for this year’s Changing Landscapes course in McCarthy, Alaska. Changing Landscapes is a Wrangell Mountains Center natural history course for educators, guides, interpreters, and anyone curious about the natural world. On June 4-6, the program will feature days on the trail, enjoying the dynamic environment of the McCarthy area as a classroom. Evenings will be spent engaging in insightful, indoor discussion in the Wrangell Mountains Center’s historic facilities. Fees are $170/person before April 23rd, $235 thereafter. Last day to register is May 15, 2010. WMC members receive an additional 10% discount. Continuing education credits (ED 580) are available through Prince William Sounds Community College for a $25 administrative fee. To register or learn more: contact the Wrangell Mountains Center at or calling 907.244.7717.
Writers can’t live by words alone, so if you’re in the Homer area this summer, check out Alaska author and acclaimed chef Kirsten Dixon’s weekend cooking classes at the Tutka Bay Lodge, across Kachemak Bay from Homer. Back from a recent culinary tour of Morocco, Kirsten and daughter Mandy have lots of techniques and recipes to share. And stay tuned for updates on a possible 49 Writers retreat at Tutka Bay, possibly this September.
Lots of great events coming up at the UAA Bookstore, starting on April 12 from 5 – 7 p.m. when Ken Tape presents The Changing Arctic Landscape, published by University of Alaska Press. In the book, Tape documents changes in Alaska landscapes by pairing decades-old photos of the arctic landscape of Alaska with photos of the same scenes taken in the present. Each section includes interviews with scientists who have spent decades working in Alaska for the United States Geological Survey. Ken Tape was raised in Fairbanks, has a master’s degree in geology from UAF and is currently finishing his PhD in biology.
On Monday, April 19 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Patricia Wade presents ancient Ya Ne Dah Ah legends and her latest book Luk’ae; and playwright Sarah Hurst presents Alaska History Narrated by Benny Benson, which is being turned into a graphic novel by a team of Alaskan artists. The book, called “A Native Lad: Benny Benson Tells Alaska’s Story,” features Dimi Macheras as one of the illustrators.
And on April 15 at 7:30 pm at Wendy Williamson Auditorium, Jean Twenge, Ph.D. presents, The Narcissism Epidemic and How It’s Spreading Through Our Culture. Dr. Twenge is author of The Narcissism Epidemic and the book Generation Me: Why Today’s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled–and More Miserable Than Ever Before
. The event is sponsored by Undergraduate Research & Discovery Symposium/University Honors College,and The Behavioral Sciences Conference of the North/CAS Psychology Department.
From Slush Pile Reader in San Francisco, Joann Denize writes to tell us about their social community for readers and writers from all over the world. Authors are welcome to submit their manuscripts. Readers read from submissions, comment and vote for their favorites. She says Slush Pile Reader will then publish the most popular manuscript(s). Apart from the selection process, Joann says Slush Pile Reader works like any traditional publisher – editing, distributing and marketing selected books. As such, she says there are no fees or costs involved for the authors. Has anyone checked this out yet? Johanna says she invites questions
Confused about the Google Book Settlement? I was, until reading this summary brought to my attention by a fellow writer: Complicated, yes, but I think now I’ve got the jist of it.