Deb: 49 Writers weekly round-up

Above: Agent Kendra Marcus of Bookstop Literary will be in Fairbanks on Monday, March 1 for a FREE session with writers. RSVP requested. Details below.

That old expression of March coming in like a lion resonates with our writing community this year. March 1 is the opening day of our 49 Writers online book club discussion featuring Rock, Water, Wild, the latest by Alaska’s State Writer Laureate Nancy Lord. That’s three reading days left! Stop by the blog on Monday and Tuesday, March 1 and 2, to leave comments. Nancy will drop in a few times to answer questions as well, so you’ll have a chance to dialogue with the author as well as with other readers.

Then there’s this great opportunity for writers in Fairabnks: Agent Kendra Marcus of Book Stop Literary will be in town visiting family and has offered to meet with local writers to field questions on publishing. She’ll be at the College Coffeehouse at 3677 College Rd. (374-0468) from 10 a.m. until noon on Monday, March 1.

While Marcus represents writers of YA and children’s books – former Fairbanksan Claire Rudolf Murphy among them – she’s happy to meet with all writers, agented or not. This type of session with a respected literary agent doesn’t come often (especially in Alaska, without charge), so do consider attending. Note that this group session does NOT include one-on-one pitches or manuscript consultations. Please RSVP by 5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 28 to so I can let Kendra know how many to look for.

Not in Fairbanks? Don’t despair. On Monday, March 1 at 1 p.m., you can join former Alaska Writer Laureate John Haines for “Tea with Poet John Haines” at the UAA Bookstore. Everyone is invited to stop by for good conversation and tea. John’s book, Descent, has just been released by Cavankerry Press and the bookstore hopes to have it in stock. John Haines is in Anchorage to attend the bookstore event called “Rosa Luxemburg Remembered” which will start at 5:00 p.m.

In other publishing news, 40 Below Ink, billed as an independent press with an Alaskan attitude, is pleased to announce that the print version of Alaska Virgin Air by Izzy Ballard is now available at Barnes and Noble. Order information for print or eBook versions: and

Also, former Alaskan Ann Chandonnet’s article “Dating Old Cookbooks” appeared in the Winter 2010 issue of the newsletter of the Historic Foodways Society of the Delaware Valley. The society has members in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsyvlania.

I arrived home today to one of a writer’s greatest pleasures: an advance copy of my latest book, Amazing Alaska: A Raven’s Eye View. There’s nothing quite like holding the finished copy in your hands, especially when incredible illustrations like those of K.E. Lewis bring it to life. In terms of readers, this middle grade (ages 7-11) title cements my Alaskan generalist niche (yes, that’s an oxymoron): I now have published a book for every age group, from read-alouds through adults.

Have you seen the charming video advertising the UAA low-residency MFA program? Check it out at the UAA/MFA website or on YouTube.