Deb: The Alaska Book Week Bump

October, already! That can mean only one thing:  the Alaska Book Week countdown is on. On Saturday, our celebration of all books by Alaskans and/or about Alaska begins.

The other little thing we like about October? It’s PFD time. If you’re an Alaskan and you’ve opted for direct deposit, $878 will land in your bank account on Thursday.

What if from that $878 we each agreed to spend $25 on Alaska books, either for ourselves or as holiday gifts? Together, we’d create an Alaska Book Week bump. Believe me, that would make for some happy authors.

What are you waiting for? Head to the nearest bookstore or pull up your favorite online venue and start shopping.

While you’re at it, leave a comment here suggesting which Alaska titles you recommend our readers invest in.

You do know that books are investments, right?

Inspired? Make an Alaska book list on Amazon or Goodreads. Hit Facebook and Twitter. Tell the world. It’s time for the Alaska Book Week bump!