Deb: Alaska is for Writers

What’s to love about being a writer in Alaska?
A lot.
In fact, the list is far too large for a post, and parts of
it are tough for even a writer to put into words. But undeniably, a huge part
of the joy of writing in this place involves the vibrant literary community
that continues to thrive here, in large part due to 49 Writers/the 49 Alaska Writing Center.
From the moment four years ago when we took our first
baby-steps toward becoming a full-fledged nonprofit to support the artistic
development of writers throughout Alaska, foster a writing community, and build
an audience for literature, this has been a grassroots, collaborative effort.
That’s what makes our upcoming Write-a-thon so special. It’s
not just about writing a check to support a great cause; it’s about coming together
to do what we love. If past events are any indication, the energy at Snow City Café
on Friday, April 11 will be palpable. There’ll be food, fun, and drinks. An
amazing amount of words will land on the page. Some might even end up in print.
You’d rather write alone? Not a problem. You can Write-a-thon from your favorite hideaway.
on the list of why I love the Write-a-thon is the ripple effect: Just by telling friends and family you’ve
signed up for the event, you’re helping to spread the word about our little
nonprofit and all it does for creativity, craft, and culture in Alaska.
And here’s a little secret: Your family and friends want to
support your creative efforts. They like being part of your team as you hit the
page for a good cause. The Write-a-thon lets them do that. Share on Facebook, on Twitter, by email, and you’ll be amazed at the response.
So sharpen your pencils, re-spool your ribbons, clear off
some hard drive space, and come write for four hours, nine minutes on April 11 at Snow City Cafe. To keep you going, there will be prize drawings, stretch
breaks, and inspiration throughout the night. Plus we’ll help keep your vitals
level with free food and unlimited caffeine.
Everyone and anyone is invited to participate. Advance
registration is $10 for adults and $5 for writers eighteen and under. On-site
registration will be $30 for adults and $5 for eighteen and under. So don’t
delay, sign up today, and help us continue to offer the quality classes,
writing retreats, and literary events for which we are known. Not to mention this
blog, where it all began—a lively forum that gets more than 12,000 page views a
Thanks for making Alaska a great place to write!