Deb: Seeking Your Best Alaska Writing: The Alaska Sampler 2015

By now, I hope you’ve heard of the Alaska Sampler, an annual ebook anthology of prose by Alaska’s
finest contemporary authors. It’s free to the reader. For the author, it’s a
proven discovery tool for increasing readership. And through Jan. 10, 2015, we’re accepting
submissions for the Alaska Sampler 2015.
Because the Sampler
is offered for free, it consistently ranks high in search results for Alaska
books, making it an effective and ongoing means of promotion for contributing
authors. As a discovery tool, it enables contributing authors to reach new
readers outside their usual genres. As a sampler, it allows authors with
upcoming new works on Alaska to offer a preview chapter or excerpt to their
Here’s what readers are saying about the Alaska Sampler 2014:
never been to Alaska, and probably never will go, as it’s on the other side of
the world from me, but this collection certainly ignited my own interest in the
region . . . I’ve
also already downloaded longer works by a couple of the authors that I liked
was pleasantly surprised by the writing in the Alaska Sampler . . . I’ll be looking
up several of the authors in the Sampler to read more of their work.”
of the best trips I ever took was to Alaska. This book is a chance to visit
again, with a variety of fascinating viewpoints, and without even packing a
suitcase! Led to it by one favorite author, walking away with several new
wonderful compendium of all things Alaska. Please publish one every year or
two. Surely there are enough wonderful Alaskan authors.”
For the Alaska Sampler 2015,
we’re looking for fresh, original fiction and nonfiction that reveals the
unscripted, everyday Alaska that we cherish. Provided the author has the
digital rights, submissions may be reprints of previously published work. The
best way to discover what sort of work makes the cut is to check out the Alaska Sampler 2014—because, you know,
it’s free.
We’re also seeking cover images, both photos and artwork.
We’re interested in images that show Alaska in new and unusual ways to use on
our cover. You must have the digital rights to images you submit, or they must
be in the public domain or under Creative Commons copyright (attribution,
commercial, adaptation). Images should be in RGB jpg format and at least 1563 x
2500 pixels in size (1:1.6 ratio).

Submissions must be received by Jan. 10, 2015. To learn
more, visit Running Fox Books