Remember the 49 Writers First Friday book signing from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. tonight at the International Gallery of Contemporary Art, 427 D St. in Anchorage. Deb Vanasse will be signing read-aloud titles for young readers (Under Alaska’s Midnight Sun, Totem Tale
, Alaska Animal Babies
) and books for older readers (Amazing Alaska
, ages 7-10; A Distant Enemy
, ages 10-14; and Out of the Wilderness
, ages 10-14). She’ll also have titles for adults: Picture This, Alaska; Insider’s Guide to Anchorage and Southcentral Alaska
, and Alaska Off the Beaten Path
If your plans for 2011 include writing, note that our next classes begin on January 9.
December’s Poetry Parley (Wednesday the 15th, 7pm) will feature poems of Frank O’Hara and they are looking for readers. Email Jonathan Minton if interested.
Michael Engelhard asked us to remind you that the deadline for submissions of up-to-3000-word personal essays to the anthology Northwords is looming: December 21st is the date. The full details and original call for submissions can be found at this round-up post from earlier in the year. Send submissions to Michael Engelhard.
Ken Waldman is back from seven weeks in Colorado and Wyoming. Some newsworthy notes from his trip can be found here and here. Some books and CDs from him may be found in the book bag fundraiser!
Via Peggy Shumaker: Alaskan poet Joe Enzweiler is in Ohio for treatment of a brain tumor. He enjoys postcards, but struggles with longer letters. Anyone wishing to contact him may use this address:
Joe Enzweiler
6765 Maple Street
Cincinnati OH 45227
It’s just two months until publication for Dana Stabenow’s 18th Kate Shugak mystery, Though Not Dead. Here are some reviews to whet appetites. Publisher’s Weekly’s review, Kirkus’ review, Booklist’s review and a review from a ‘Danamaniac.’ The anthology Unusual Suspects
, edited by Stabenow, is also now available in mass-market paperback.
Sitka Authors mother and son Tracie and Justin Harang have just self-published their second book, “Sitka Tango Journeys to Juneau, Alaska,” following the adventures of the Harang family and their retriever, Sitka Tango, as they take the Fairweather Ferry to Juneau and ride the Mount Roberts tramway, hiking and camping en route. This picturebook story is the sequel to “Sitka Tango Explores the Causeway.” More information on their website.
Our thanks to November featured author Tricia Brown for her posts. Beginning next week, we’ll feature poet Tom Sexton as our December author.