Ela: 49 Writers Weekly Round-up

wonderful time was had by all at our second annual Tutka Bay Writers Retreat
 featuring author Dani Shapiro. The gracious hospitality of 49 Writers
Board member Kirsten Dixon and her husband Carl as well as their Tutka Bay staff makes for a stellar experience
A special thanks also to workshop leaders Andromeda Romano-Lax and
Louise Freeman-Toole. Instruction, inspiration, interaction: we got
it all, plus a blustery send-off!

of instruction, our fall 49 Writers courses
 begin in less than four weeks. Visit our website and register soon.
This month we’re also recruiting instructors for our WYAK Write
Young Alaska effort. If you’re a writer who’d like to help kids
get excited about writing, we want to hear from you by
countdown is on for Alaska Book Week
Tell us how you plan to celebrate and order for free posters and
bookmarks, while supplies last. The clock is ticking even faster for
our WYAK Zombies Invade Alaska contest
. Entries are due today, Sept.
3.45pm today, Friday September 9,
2011 Alaska Writers Conference gets underway. Enjoy daily sessions
with nationally known authors, agents, editors, and publishers. Coast
International Inn, Anchorage. For more information, visit www.alaskawritersguild.com
Elizabeth Thompson and songstress Emily Kathryn Barrie are teaming up
tonight, 7-9pm, for
an evening of music and poetry at Jitters coffeehouse, 11401 Old
Glenn Highway, Eagle River.
tonight, at 7pm,
The University of Alaska Fairbanks English Department presents travel
writer Lawrence Millman as part of the 2011-2012 Midnight Sun
Visiting Writer Series.

Wood Center Ballroom, UAF.
Monday September 12 at 12.30pm, the
UAA Campus Bookstore presents Barbara Mee, longtime Anchorage office
manager for Ted Stevens, to talk about and sign copies of her book
Senator Ted and Mee. Free and open to all (free parking also). For
more details, see the website or call (907) 786 4782.
submissions deadline for the fifth issue of Cirque Journal is coming
up at solstice, September 21.
Homer Writer’s Refuge retreat is coming up on
23-25, starting 3pm
It will take place at the Peterson Bay Field Station, across Kachemak
Bay from Homer. Open to writers of all levels, to plumb their
creativity in a setting where the natural world offers inspiration
through its own continual genesis. Maximum 12 participants. The $275
fee includes transportation across the bay, meals and yurt
accommodations as well as the writing workshops and natural history
instruction and exploration. Facilitators are Miranda Weiss, Cecilia Worth and Beth Trowbridge 

The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment will be holding its 2012 Symposium at University of Alaska Southeast,
The theme is Environment, Culture and Place in a Rapidly Changing
North. Proposals for papers and panels are being solicited. Proposals
should include a 250-word abstract, paper title, your name and
affiliation. Proposals should be sent to Sarah Jaquette Ray and
Kevin Maier by
5, 2011
you are a bookstore or library participating in Alaska Book Week
coming up soon, the wonderful Heather Lende is happy to schedule a
Skype or speakerphone chat with any group participating. Contact her
at hlende@aptalaska.net
author Hank Lentfer’s book, Faith of Cranes, will be released by
Mountaineer Books in early October. Stay tuned for news of his book
tour through Alaska in December; meanwhile, you can get a sneak
preview of the prologue at his website