April is bursting with events, from our April 1st Crosscurrents event (only a week away) with Susan Orlean of Orchid Thief fame: “To Tell the Truth: Writing People and Place”, at the Anchorage Museum at 7 pm; to our April 16th poetry event in the Synergies Series: “Land Beyond Landscape” with poets John Morgan and Kelsea Habecker, as well as a documentary tribute to John Haines, at MTS Gallery at 7 pm. All the details on our website.
The Raven Write-a-thon is approaching fast and participants outside of Anchorage have been signing up. If any Homer readers are interested in getting together for a satellite write-a-thon, feel free to email Ela directly.
April courses still have some space as well: Beginnings: A Workshop (starts April 2nd), and a poetry class perfect for National Poetry Month, A Formal Feeling (April 16th).
For those eager to get away, registration is also open for our Tutka Bay retreat with Dani Shapiro, September 2-5th. Half-full now; don’t delay!
Tonight, Friday March 25th, at 7.30pm, Buddy Wakefield and Gaby Moreno feature at UAA, Arts 150.
Buddy Wakefield is the two-time Individual World Poetry Champion who has been featured on NPR, the BBC, HBO’s Def Poetry Jam, and most recently signed to Ani DiFranco’s Righteous Babe Records. Emmy nominated, Gaby Moreno is immensely talented with a guitar and gifted with a soulful voice beyond her years mixing Spanish and English vocals. Gaby’s songs have been played on MTV’s “The Hills”, NBC’s “Parks and Recreation,” and ABC’s “Off the Map”. General Admission: $10.00 in advance, or $15.00 at the door.
Former Alaska Poet Laureate and one of Alaska’s finest writers, John Haines passed away on March 2, 2011, at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital. The public is invited to A Tribute to John Haines, which will be held in Fairbanks this weekend: Saturday March 26, 4pm; Unitarian Fellowship, 4448 Pike’s Landing Road.Please bring a potluck dish to share.
Rilke’s Duino Elegies
Discussion Group meets again on Sunday March 20th, at 2:30pm. Fireside Books, 720 S Alaska St., Palmer. They’re reading Stephen Mitchell’s translation.
On Monday March 28 from 1:00pm-2:30pm at the UAA Campus Bookstore, Sam Kean presents Love, Bubbles, Bombs, Money, Poison, Crime, and even Science: The Hidden Tales of the Periodic Table.
Sponsored by Complex Systems Summary:Why did Gandhi hate iodine (I, 53)? Why did the Japanese kill Godzilla with missiles made of cadmium (Cd, 48)? Why did tellurium (Te, 52) lead to the most bizarre gold rush in history? The periodic table is one of our crowning scientific achievements, but it’s also a treasure trove of passion, adventure, betrayal, and obsession. The tales in Sam Kean’s best-selling book, The Disappearing Spoon, follow carbon, neon, silicon, gold, and every single element on the table as they play out their parts in human history, finance, mythology, war, the arts, medicine, and the lives of the (frequently) mad scientists who discovered them.
Later on Monday March 28th at the UAA Campus Bookstore, from 5-7pm, Michelle Scaman will speak on Dream Sharing and the Social Construction of Reality.
On Monday, March 28th, at 7:30pm, at the Wendy Williamson Auditorium, University of Alaska Anchorage, 3611 Providence, Anchorage, Dr. Mike Brown, author of “How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming
,” will give a free public lecture. Brown is the Richard and Barbara Rosenberg Professor of Planetary Astronomy at the California Institute of Technology. Among his numerous scientific accomplishments, he is best known for his discovery of Eris, the largest object found in the solar system in 150 years, and the object which led to the debate and eventual demotion of Pluto from planet to dwarf planet.
On Monday March 28th, at 6.30pm, there will be a reading and signing at Hearthside Books and Toys, Nugget Mall, 254 Front Street, Juneau, by Cara Lopez Lee, author of the memoir They Only Eat Their Husbands
. Cara is the creator of Girls Trek Too, a blog, group, and workshop dedicated to inspiring women to approach life as an adventure.
Author Lael Morgan is in Anchorage for the book launch of Eskimo Star: the Ray Mala Story
, which will take plane on Tuesday, March 29th at the Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center. Along with booksignings, clips will be shown from several Ray Mala films. The new biography from Epicenter Press tells the story of Ray Mala, an Inupiat from Candle, Alaska, who in 1933 at the age of 27 became the first non-white actor to play a leading role in a Hollywood film. He became a matinee idol after the release of Eskimo from MGM, the first major studio film made in Alaska.
The Alaska Press Club conference will take place March 31st to April 2nd. The conference schedule at this link includes this event, free and open to the public: a Sunday, April 3rd book signing (Barnes and Noble, 2 pm) with food writer extraordinaire Kim Severson.
On April 2 from 11:30 – 1:30 p.m., Don Rearden will be at Fireside Books, 720 S. Alaska Street, in Palmer to read from and sign copies of his newly released novel The Raven’s Gift.
A special exhibit titled “Wrangellia: The Art of Breakup,” , a WMC benefit, will take place at the MTS Gallery in Anchorage on April 15th (third Friday). A new series of artwork by photographer Sarah Davies will be featured, along with work from many of Alaska’s outstanding visual artists and craft artists.
Next month’s Poetry Parley (third Wednesday of the month) will be celebrating the poetry of John Haines: readers are needed! Please contact Jonathan Minton if you are interested. The featured local poet will be Elizabeth Thompson.
The Alaska State Council on the Arts deadline for the Artist in School Grants is coming up on April 15th. Career development grant deadline is coming up on June 1st. To apply, go to http://alaska.cgweb.org/
The Island Institute’s Residency Fellows Program provides opportunities for at least four writers to each spend a month in Sitka, Alaska, pursuing their own work and getting to know this unique island community in the forested costal mountains of Southeast Alaska. The application deadline is April 15, 2011 for positions in September 2011 and January and April 2012. Please visit http://www.islandinstitutealaska.org.
The Anchorage School District Language Arts Department is compiling a database of authors who are willing to work with young writers in their classrooms. Please visit this website to become part of the database.
The Hope Community Library is celebrating its 25th anniversary the first Saturday in June! We are inviting authors to come help the community to celebrate this memorable occasion by bringing your books and participating in a book signing event to be held at the library on Saturday, June 4th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (You are, of course, welcome to sell your books, too!) In addition to the book signing event, the library plans to have arts and crafts for sale, a silent auction, food and music and clogging throughout the day.
The Hope Community Library is housed in one of the last remaining territorial schools still standing in Alaska.
Please come join the community of Hope in celebrating this event. To confirm your attendance please either email Sharon White Wheeler by May 15th or contact librarian Susan Anderson at 782-3311.