Joan Braddock: An open letter to friends of UA Press

Note: We’re reprinting Joan Braddock’s letter to all of us in the Alaska community who support UA Press, along with these images of some of their newest Spring 2013 catalog titles–all, coincidentally, written by 49 Writers regulars: Mei Mei Evans, our own co-founder Deb Vanasse, and Sara Loewen. Feel free to post this to your FB pages or share with others by email, etc.

Friends of UA Press:

We received good news this weekend about the request of $200,000 to support UA Press. While the increment was not included in the approved house budget, the senate finance subcommittee added several increments back to the budget, including the increment for UA Press. Since few increments were added back, this is very good news indeed.

To keep the momentum going we need your support, ideally this week. The full senate finance committee needs to hear from supporters to keep the increment in the senate budget.

There are two ways that you can participate. The first is public testimony this Friday or Saturday, depending on your location. Information on how to do that is listed below. Public testimony is very important and expected by legislators.
The second way to participate is to email members of the senate finance committee. Their contact information is listed below. Ideally, emails should be received no later than March 25. If you have already sent emails to other legislators, I would encourage you to forward that information on to the members of the senate finance committee listed below.
I cannot stress enough the importance of this funding to the press. If we do not receive a stable funding base in the near future we will be in jeopardy of severe downsizing or elimination.

Although not mandatory, I would appreciate a copy of support comments or at least a quick email letting me know who you have contacted. I would like to coordinate efforts as we move forward with the legislative session.

Members of the Senate

Finance Committee:
Senate Finance Committee:
Pete Kelly, co-chair
Kevin Meyer, co-chair
Anna Fairclough, vice chair
Mike Dunleavy
Click Bishop
Donny Olson
Lyman Hoffman