Linda: 49 Writers Weekly Roundup

Today is the day! If you’ve been meaning to submit a fall
workshop proposal, the deadline of June 1 has arrived. We know there are many
potential instructors out there, in addition to the writers who have taught high
quality workshops for us in past literary seasons (who we hope will considering
submitting again). If you are new to teaching you will not find a more
supportive environment in which to impart your knowledge of the writing process to others. We offer a flexible schedule, including workshops of various
lengths, as well as the freedom to share your passion for a particular topic. Click here for information on how to submit your proposal.

Although our
Tutka Bay Writers Retreat with Pam Houston, September 7-9, is now full, you can
still add your name to a waitlist as plans can change unexpectedly and
cancellations do happen. If you missed this opportunity, just email to get on the list.
We are excited to announce that our first WYAK anthology
will go to the printer soon. This online and print publication will feature the
best submissions from young writers to Alaska
Out Loud,
the WYAK teen ‘zine, as well as the winners of our three spring
writing contests – Flash Fiction, Love/Anti-Love Haiku, and Hunted. Copies will
be available for purchase for $6 on the WYAK and 49 Writers websites. The contributors have been invited to participate in a reading to celebrate the publication, which
takes place on June 20, 6:30-8:00pm
at Great Harvest Bread Company in the Metro Mall.
Classes and events typically slow down at 49 Writers for the
summer, when Alaskans are busy recreating in the great outdoors or traveling
out of state. We are in the process of scheduling one workshop in July,
however. Erin Wahl, who is completing her MA in Information
Resources and Library Science at the University of Arizona, will be teaching a
class for us on the afternoons of Friday,
July 20 and July 27
called “Inspiration and Innovation through Primary
Resources” (final details to follow). This will include visits to the archive collections at the
Anchorage Museum and the UAA/APU Consortium Library, where their helpful staff
will reveal the wealth of resources that await the curious writer. If this
topic interests you, be sure to pencil in the dates. Erin will return to Tucson from Alaska after the summer, so there is a narrow window of opportunity to offer her
We are sad to report that Ela Harrison Gordon has stepped
back from compiling the weekly roundup for a while, and miss her already! If
you are interested in helping out, do let us know by emailing Meanwhile, don’t
forget to check out the Alaska Literary Events Calendar at
Claire Rudolph Murphy, whose interview with Deb Vanasse was
posted earlier on this blog, and Carolyn Kremers will be giving a reading and
signing books on June 6, 6-8pm, at
Gulliver’s Books in Fairbanks. June 4-8,
Claire and Carolyn will also be teaching a class entitled “Teacher as Writer:
Use Your Words,” a three-credit course co-sponsored by the Alaska State Writing
Consortium and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. To register, contact Annie Brenner
Armstrong at (907) 474-6670 or
Although the Kachemak Bay Writers Conference in Homer is
fully registered, there is still the opportunity to attend public readings by
the keynote speaker and faculty. Barry Lopez will give a reading on Friday, June 8, 8:00-9:30pm at the Mariner
Theater, and various faculty members will read on Sunday, June 10, 7:30-9:30pm at Alice’s Champagne Palace. These include
Elizabeth Dodd, Camille Dungy, Daryl Farmer, Dan O’Neill, Ann Pancake, Eva
Saulitis, and Peggy Shumaker. I hope to see many of you at the conference next
week, do stop and say hello.