Linda: 49 Writers Weekly Roundup

After a brief summer hiatus, the 49 Writers Juneau writers’ group is meeting again. Thanks to Clint Farr (above, left) for leading this month’s group and to Julie Coppens for providing the photos from last night’s gathering, which 13 members attended. Those who read from their work were Susi Gregg Fowler, Lin Davis, Maureen Longworth, and Richard Stokes. Since its inaugural meeting in February, the group has been getting together the first Thursday of every other month. For more information, contact 49writersjuneau (at) gmail (dot) com. We hear that members shared their summer experiences, writing ups and downs, and future plans. Powerful work was read. And our ever-gracious hostess, Sarah Isto, let everyone take home some basil!

Whenever writers gather, conversation flows.

True to summer mode, in early August things are quiet on the literary scene around the state. But they’ll be ramping up soon! As always, let us know if you have something of interest going on in your community, and we’ll help to get the word out (49writers (at) gmail (dot) com).

Aug. 15, 3pm, Fireside Books in Palmer: Canyons and Ice author, Kaylene Johnson, and the subject of the biography, Dick Griffith, will be at the bookstore to meet readers and sign copies of the story of Dick’s wilderness travels.

Aug. 15, 7pm, Tandem Wine & Dinner Bar: It’s Bothell or Bust! Cirque hits the airways (via large metal plane) to arrive in Bothell, WA, for a reading by some of the great writers of the Pacific Northwest. Joan Swift, once a student of Theodore Roethke, is featured. Christianne Balk, poet, author of Desiring Flight and Thomas Walton, editor of Pageboy, are also on the docket along with a fine group of other writers – see the flyer, below. Cirque editor Sandy Kleven will read from her collection, Defiance Street. In the year ahead (assisted by friends in each destination), Cirque will visit: Seattle, Portland, Bellingham, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Sitka. And, maybe, Missoula. The goal: to darn together the literary communities of our states, toward a cohesive fabric built on creative connections.

Remember that the deadline for the Winter Solstice issue of Cirque approaches: Sept.15 for publication on Dec. 15. Visit for more information on how to submit and to read the journal full-text.

Upcoming Conferences and Retreats

August 22-24Center for Alaska Coastal Studies‘ Peterson Bay Field Station (across Kachemak Bay from Homer): Line by Line in Kachemak Bay: a writer and artist retreat led by Marilyn Sigman and Marilyn Kirkham. Registration $225, including water taxi transportation, food, two nights lodging, and a journal. For more information and to sign up, contact or 907-235-6667.

September 13 & 14, the 2014 Alaska Writers Guild Annual Conference, in conjunction with
SCBWI Alaska, takes place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Anchorage. This year’s conference will feature nationally acclaimed editors, agents, and authors, as well as local authors and illustrators. Once again they are offering a children’s literarure and illustration track in conjunction with The Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators. Click here for a detailed list of this year’s faculty. Visit the AWG website for more information and to register. Click here for a preliminary conference schedule.

Opportunities for Alaskan Writers
Did you know that if you’re an Alaskan writer you can get listed for free in the Alaska Writers Directory? It’s easy to do, just click here to complete the online form. If you’re already listed, do check your information to make sure it’s current–updates can be submitted using the same form. As Alaska Book Week approaches (Oct. 4-11, 2014), it’s a great way for schools, book clubs, and other groups to connect with writers to invite to their Alaska Book Week celebration.
Need an author photo for your upcoming book? Affinityfilms, Inc., an Anchorage non-profit, will create your photo in exchange for a donation to the organization. Visit their website to contact them and make a donation online. Big thanks to Mary Katzke for this generous offer.
Anchorage Public Library is looking for fall writing group leaders, one for a teen group and one for an adult group. This is a great way to share your love of writing. For more information, contact Jim Curran at or 343-2938.

Rasmuson Foundation is now accepting its next round of applications from all previous Rasmuson Individual Artist Award Recipients for its Artist Residency Program. Online applications for 2015 residencies will be accepted now through August 15, 2014. Questions about the program can be directed to Program Coordinator Jeremy Pataky at jeremy.pataky (at) or 907-244-7717.

The Alaska Literary Awards, established in 2014 by the Alaska Arts and Culture Foundation through a generous gift from Peggy Shumaker and Joe Usibelli, are accepting applications. The Alaska Literary Awards recognize and support writers of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, playwriting, screenwriting, and mixed genres. Any Alaska writer over the age of 18 who is not a full-time student is eligible to apply. Quality of the work submitted is the primary consideration in determining who receives the awards. There are no restrictions on the writer’s use of the award and no formal report is required. Application deadline is Tuesday, September 2, 2014, 9:59pm (AKDT).

Nominations for the 2015 Governor’s Awards for the Arts and Humanities are now open. Learn more at the Alaska State Council on the Arts website. The categories are: Arts Education, Native Arts, Arts Organization and Individual Artist. In addition, the Alaska State Council on the Arts’ Literary Advisory Committee will accept nominations for the State Writer Laureate, who will be appointed by the Governor to a two year term (2015-2016).