Looking Forward to 2016!

Each year, I spend the week between the winter holidays and
New Year’s Eve reflecting on the year that is passing and preparing for the
year that is coming up. I make sure that I take time to really consider the
answers to the following questions:
  • What do I want to let go of?
  • What do I want to create?

 The answers to these questions can be as concrete (I want to
let go of hanging onto pairs of ratty socks) or as metaphorical/metaphysical (I
want to create world peace) as you like. There’s no right answer or wrong
answer. I believe that intention is strong stuff. If you intend to create a
larger audience for your writing, then you will be more attuned to opportunities
to do so. If you want to let go of tasks that waste your time and you haven’t
identified what those tasks are, then you’re doomed to keep burning through the

Personally, I like to make resolutions. Or should I say, I
like to make a resolution. I identify what I want to create more of, and then I
find one small step that will help me. Last year, I combined two things I
wanted to create (1. More writing time and 2. Paying closer attention to the world)
into one small resolution – I will write one haiku every day during 2015.
Notice how small I’ve set the goal – one haiku a day. To make myself stick to
it, I’ve been posting them on Facebook.
What do you want to let go of? What do you want to create?
49 Writers will be sponsoring members-only salons, Resolve to Write, where you
can share your resolutions and get some tips on how to keep them. Maybe you’ll
find a “writing partner.” Maybe you’ll just find have a glass of wine and some
finger-food and meet some other writers who share your interests. Juneau’s
event is first on January 7, then in Fairbanks and Anchorage on January 21, and
finally in Homer on January 22. You need to RSVP to 49writers@gmail.com to get
on the guest list and to receive the address of the salon, so please let me
know if you’d like to attend.
And keep your eyes open for the new slate of workshops for
the “spring” term. Registration starts on January 4 on the website.
Hope you’ll have a happy New Year’s!
take care,
PS – I also create a list of ten lessons that I’ve learned from the outgoing year. I thought the one below posted on Mentorless (a filmmaking blog for indie storytellers) was quite good.