No Free Lunch – But How about Free Book Promotion?

A full page of online advertising. Toss in photos and links.
Target an audience with an interest in you and your work. While you’re at it,
make sure the site has had upward of 330,000 pageviews.
Expensive, right?
It would be, anywhere else. But here at 49 Writers, you can
get all this for free.
That’s right. Free. All it takes is a few minutes of your
time. And your book doesn’t have to be new. If Jack London were alive, we’d let
him in on it.
Because part of the 49 Writers mission is to promote Alaska
authors and their books, we’re offering free online promotional opportunities
through our Spotlight on Alaska Books feature here at Here’s how it works:
  1. Entries
    may be made by authors or publicists only. They must conform to our editorial
    and to the specific guidelines that follow here. We will
    consider no more than one
    submission per author per calendar year.
  2. We
    need your real name and real email address.
  3. Absolutely
    no more than 600 words per submission.
  4. Aside
    from blurbs and reviews, submissions must be your own original work or the
    work of your publisher. You keep the copyright, but by submitting you’re
    giving us permission to post.
  5. Not
    all submissions will be published. The editors at 49 Writers reserve the right
    to select and to publish at their sole discretion, on a space available
    basis. If your Spotlight doesn’t get posted, don’t assume we don’t like
    it. It simply may not fit our editorial needs or schedule. In general,
    submissions published in the order in which they are received, though we give priority to submissions by
    members of 49 Writers.
  6. One
    small jpg photo of the book cover may be attached with your entry.
  7. Submissions
    are accepted on a rolling basis. Email to with the words
    “Spotlight on Alaska Books” in the subject line. We accept only Word
    documents or submissions embedded in the email text. Submissions MUST be
    single spaced, Times New Roman, with NO paragraph indentions (space
    between paragraphs). If the
    formatting is not correct, your submission will not be considered.
  8. In
    order to be considered, the contents of your Spotlight must precisely follow this format:
Open with an excerpt from your book, in italics. In parentheses at the end
of the excerpt, include the book’s title and author. (excerpt not to exceed 150
Follow with a synopsis of no more than two
paragraphs (not to exceed 200 words)
Follow with quoted, attributed reviews and/or
blurbs for your book (not to exceed 100 words)
End with an author bio, in italics, written in third person. You must mention your Alaska
residency (past or present), and if you’re a member of 49 Writers, mention that
as well. End your bio with a statement regarding the formats in which your book
is available, and mention the publisher. (Bio not to exceed 150 words.)
  1. At the
    end of your submission, you may list up
    to three web links
    to be included in your post. These are strictly
    limited to:
A link to your author website
A link to one place where readers may purchase a
hardcover or softcover edition of your book
A link to one place where readers may purchase
an electronic version of your book
  1. We
    will make every attempt to notify you prior to posting your submission,
    but we cannot guarantee to do so. You can maximize visibility by sharing
    the link to your published Spotlight with your social media and email
  2. We
    reserve the right to edit your work but do not promise to do so. We do NOT
    make corrections or changes after the post has been published unless the
    error is our own, and we do not correct based on appearance alone, as the
    Blogger platform suffers from occasional glitches in formatting that are
    beyond our control.
  3. We
    will make every effort to acknowledge receipt of your submission, but our
    volunteer staff is unable to respond to follow-up queries. If your
    Spotlight has not been posted within six months of submission, feel free
    to re-submit.
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