Reading and Conversation Series: Joan Nockels Wilson

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Recorded: Thursday, March 17 | 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
via Zoom

Bio: Joan Nockels Wilson is a writer and a Senior Assistant Attorney General for the State of Alaska. Joan has served the State of Alaska in both a civil and criminal capacity for more than half of her 25 year legal career. As a criminal prosecutor, she achieved the longest sentence for animal cruelty in the State and recently convicted the “hoverboard dentist” of over $2 million in Medicaid fraud and reckless endangerment of a host of his patients as part of a mass sedation scheme.

A native of Chicago and a forever-learner, Joan has studied at Northwestern University, University of California Berkeley, Lewis and Clark College, and the University of Alaska. In addition to her law degree, she holds a Master’s of Fine Arts in creative nonfiction, is a Rasmuson Foundation Individual Artist award winner, and is a member of the Bread Loaf community of writers. Her work has appeared in literary journals and audio shows, most recently Entropy Magazine. She lives with her husband, daughter, and a vizsla named Vivian in the hillside neighborhood appropriately titled Bear Valley in Anchorage, Alaska. The Book of Timothy is her first book.