Literary Roundup | September 14-20, 2018


ANCHORAGE | July-Sept, 2018 | 49 Writers presents Danger Close Alaska: programming meant to build a literary community of civilians and veterans. One night per month for six consecutive months (one remaining), Danger Close will focus on food, drink, discussion, and writing on different topics, shared between veterans and civilians. Click here for more information and registration for September’s event once it opens.

  • August 22, 2018: August’s event has passed. Stay tuned for the final event in September!

GLENNALLEN | Thursdays, October 4, 11, and 18, 2018, from 6-9 PM | Writing Memoir Using the Windshield and the Mirrors. Join us for Writing Memoir course with Mary Odden at Copper Basin Extension Center. Fee: $100. Located at the Prince William Sound College: Copper Basin, 1976 Aurora Dr. Virtual conferencing option is available. For more information and to register, see their Facebook page and website.

ANCHORAGE | Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 7 PM | Alaska Quarterly Review’s “Here & Over There,” an evening of readings and discussions with Alaskan poets at The Writer’s Block Bookstore & Café. The event will feature the launch of AQR’s 36th anniversary edition and the Alaska premieres of two new award-winning books of poetry: Tara Ballard’s House of the Night Watch, and Chaun Ballard’s Flight.

ANCHORAGE | Thursday, October 11, 2018 from 7-8 PM | Voices of the Region: The Alaska Women Speak Journal 2018 Fall Reading Series will feature Alaska women reading their own works. Reading to be held at Writer’s Block. For registration to read your work, see the OPPORTUNITIES section below or see their website page here.

ANCHORAGE | Friday, October 12, 2018 from 1-7 PM | Alaska Native Book Fair with panel discussions from 4-6 PM. Located at the ANTHC COB Atrium, 4000 Ambassador Dr.

ANCHORAGE | November 23-24, 2018 | APK Marketplace: a venue for authors and artists to sell their work. For more information, visit or call Sarah at 907-209-5970.



WRANGELL | Flying Island Writers & Artists group meets every other Monday 6:30-8 PM. Contact Vivian Faith Prescott for more information

JUNEAU | Thursday, October 18, 2018 from 7-8 PM | Voices of the Region: The Alaska Women Speak Journal 2018 Fall Reading Series will feature Alaska women reading their own works. Reading to be held at Hearthside Books. For registration to read your work, see the OPPORTUNITIES section below or see their website page here.


FAIRBANKS | Saturday, November 3, 6:30-8 PM | Voices of the Region: The Alaska Women Speak Journal 2018 Fall Reading Series will feature Alaska women reading their own works. Reading to be held at the Fairbanks Arts Association in the Bear Gallery. For registration to read your work, see the OPPORTUNITIES section below or see their website page here.


49 Writers is offering classes this autumn 2018! Held in Anchorage, Juneau, and online. For more information and to register, visit the class catalog on our web site..

  • Online | This is Your Year to Get An Agent with Andromeda Romano-Lax: Sept 22-30, online, asynchronous, ~ 8 hours
  • Anchorage | Found Forms in Fiction: Letters, Tweets, & Beyond with Shane Castle: Thursdays | Oct 4, 11, 18, 25 | 6:00-9:00 PM
  • Juneau & Anchorage | Beyond Hooked: What We Can Learn from the First Paragraphs of Compelling Novels and Narrative Nonfiction with Andromeda Romano-Lax. Juneau: October 16, 2018 | 6-9 PM. Anchorage | October 20, 2018 | Hours TBA


ANCHORAGE, JUNEAU, FAIRBANKS | 2018 | Voices of the Region: Alaska Women Speak is looking for Alaska women writers to read their work. Part of the Alaska Women Speak Journal 2018 Fall Reading. Complete the web registration form here to speak.

  • Anchorage form due by Friday, September 14.
  • Juneau form due by Friday, September 21.
  • Fairbanks form due by Friday, October 5.

Alaska Writers Guild‘s quarterly writing contest, open to members and non-members alike, is open for poetry through November 16, 2018. Sadly, submissions for fiction and children’s lit are closed. More details:

Wildheart, an Alaskan women’s magazine, is accepting submissions through October 14, 2018 for their Winter issue. The theme will be Change: stories of weather, scenery, mind, mood, and heart. See their website for details and to submit.

Hometown Reads is in Anchorage! A website dedicated to locating authors near you, Hometown Reads has a section for Anchorage. Sign up to have your book displayed and join the Facebook page to brainstorm ways to advertise and sell books locally. Check it out at

What’s missing? Submit your announcement for the next Roundup. Send an email with “Roundup” as the subject to 

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