Spotlight on Alaska Books: Come Down to the River: A Memoir of Adventure, by Harold Brink

We stood on top
of the Arctic Divide amidst a jumble of sheer cliffs and broken peaks. The wind
blew in cold rain squalls and roared across the barren rocks. Bob was excited,
but I was uneasy; the mountains were black and cold. The south side of the
ridge fell away to a high plateau and Bob said he was going to explore it, but
I didn’t want to stay. I sat down below the ridge top out of the teeth of the
wind to wait for his return so we could leave. Balanced precariously in loose
rock I looked over the darkened mountains and lonely spaces and fear gripped
me. I felt I was the only person on Earth, frightened of the wind, the ice, the
rock: the void. The fear would not go away. The warm blood and tissue of my
body and thoughts in my mind were meaningless, and in a moment could evaporate
into nothing. A snow squall blew across the ridge in a stinging cold cloud and
I had to get off the mountain.
(Come Down to the River: A Memoir of Adventure,
Harold Brink)
inspiring memoir about finding joy and freedom during turbulent times, Come Down to the River chronicles the
author’s adventures as a soldier, hippie, and explorer of the unknown. The book
carries readers around the globe, through a period offering opportunity for
great personal transformation, to follow one man as he searches for freedom,
happiness, and a better understanding of what it truly means to be alive.
remarkable memoir takes the reader into the author’s tour of duty in Berlin
during the Vietnam War, his subsequent stint as a mountain hippie in Colorado,
and several daring voyages across the Alaskan wilderness. A must-read for
adventurous, open-minded individuals interested in decades past, the story is
sure to enlighten and entertain, as well as encourage readers to go out and
explore the world on their own.
Harold Brink
moved to Alaska twice. The fact he lives now in Colorado should not be held
against him as he considers the Alaska wilderness his true home. He is seventy
years old, has taken at least nineteen trips into the Alaskan wilderness either
on foot or in a raft, and is not about to stop now. He is a member of 49
Writers. His Alaska cred includes getting arrested for fishing without a license,
being attacked by a bear, and catching large trout and char solo on the
Goodnews River. COME DOWN TO THE RIVER is published in softcover format by Big
Rainbow Press.

Come Down to the
River: A Memoir of Adventure
may be purchased at

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