Spotlight on Alaska Books: Compass North, by Stephanie Joyce Cole

Evan gulped his coffee and
waved his cup at two fishermen walking by. He stretched his arms above his
head, one at a time, groaning. “Lots of people here get by off the grid. They
barter for food, work in exchange for getting what they need, no records, no
government, no Big Brother. They hunt and fish when they can. It’s not always
easy and it’s not always pretty, but you can do it.”
She leaned back against the
sticky vinyl seat. The clanking of dishes in the kitchen and the rise and fall
of voices from the other booths flowed around her, comforting in the normalcy
they evoked.
She gripped her coffee mug
tightly and rubbed her finger over a tiny chip in the rim, feeling a prickle of
cold air from the drafty window slip down under her collar. Alaskan cold.
Alaska, where things are different.
(Compass North, Stephanie Joyce
Reeling from the shock of a
suddenly shattered marriage, Meredith flees as far from her home in Florida as
she can get without a passport:  to Alaska.  After a freak accident
leaves her presumed dead, she stumbles into a new identity and a new life in a
quirky small town.  Her friendship with a fiery and temperamental artist
and her growing worry for her elderly, cranky landlady pull at the fabric of
her carefully guarded secret.  When a romance with a local fisherman
unexpectedly blossoms, Meredith struggles to find a way to meld her past and
present so that she can move into the future she craves.  But someone is
looking for her, someone who will threaten Meredith’s dream of a reinvented
“Compass North is a must read for
today’s generation of women (and men), defining their role in a complex and
fast changing world.”–Grady, Goodreads
“ intriguing book of love and
loss mixed with just the right elements of romance and suspense.  Well
done to this author.” –The Romance Studio
Stephanie Joyce Cole lived for
decades in Alaska.  She and her husband recently relocated to Seattle,
where they reside with a predatory but lovable tailess Manx cat named
Bruno.  Stephanie has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Alaska,
Anchorage and a law degree from UCLA.  Stephanie is a member of 49
Writers.  COMPASS NORTH is published in ebook and paperback formats by
Champagne Book Group.
Paperback and ebook editions
available from and
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