49 writers online book club

49 Writers Online Book Club Discussion: A Man of His Village

Welcome, lurkers and talkers, to the 49 Writers online book club discussion.  Today and tomorrow (Monday and Tuesday), we’ve got an open forum for discussion of A Man of His Village by Tanyo Ravicz. Leave your comments and/or questions using the comment feature, tagged with either your Google ID, a name of your choosing, or Anonymous. […]

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Deb: 49 Writers weekly round-up

Thanks to all who participated in our 49 Writers online book club discussion this week of Nancy Lord’s Rock, Water, Wild.  We enjoyed an engaging dialogue with one another and with the author.  Looking ahead, the next online book club discussion will feature David Vann’s Legend of a Suicide. Thanks also to all the children’s

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Deb: 49 Writers online book club discussion: Rock, Water, Wild

Today and tomorrow (Monday and Tuesday), we’ve got an open forum for discussion of Nancy Lord’s Rock, Water, Wild. Leave your comments and/or questions using the comment feature, tagged with either your Google ID, a name of your choosing, or Anonymous. If you have questions or comments for the author, start them with “Nancy.” Stop

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Deb: Use this blog!

Our readers have spoken: the next selection for our 49 Writers online book club discussion is Nancy Lord’s Rock, Water, Wild. Pick up your copy soon, in preparation for our online discussion March 1 and 2. In the meantime, we’ll apply the old arm twist – it shouldn’t be hard – for an interview and

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Deb: Winners

If genies granted wishes for books, we’d first ask for quality.  Right behind we’d want readers, and for that you need buzz. In today’s mega-marketing culture, most buzz comes from money dumped on celeb authors or books that don’t need it.  But there’s a back door to buzz:  book clubs and awards. Book clubs pack a double wallop. 

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Deb: Book club nominations

If you’ve been reading at 49 Writers, you’re familiar with our 49 Writers quarterly online book club discussions. Last quarter (we fudged it into last week) we shook things up with a fabulous 49 Writers poetry discussion, led by Sandra Kleven. This quarter we return to a more traditional format. We’ll begin the book selection

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