Arlitia Jones

Linda: 49 Writers weekly roundup

Martha Amore with fellow Weathered Edge authors Buffy McKay and Kris Farmen,reading from her novella “Edge of Somewhere” at Gulliver’s Books in Fairbanks Thank you, Fairbanks authors, for a warm welcome last weekend and for some good conversations about the local literary scene and the needs of Fairbanks writers. We will be following up soon with a

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49 Writers Weekly Roundup

This year’s Alaska Book Week is revving up thanks to 49 Writers member and volunteer Mary Kudenov, who is coordinating our annual celebration of Alaska’s authors and their books for her MFA practicum. She has already secured the participation of many libraries and bookstores across the state, and is now seeking authors who are available

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49 Writers Weekly Roundup

When the Rasmuson Foundation announces its annual Individual Artist Awards, it’s always exciting to see Alaska’s creative community acknowledged and supported in this way. Attendees at the awards reception earlier this week included trustees of the Western States Arts Federation, who were in town for a meeting. I happened to be standing next to the

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49 Writers Weekly Round-up

We had a wonderful turnout last week for our first 49 Writers literary salon of the season—a great opportunity for our members to gather, get to know or reconnect with one other, and share some of their work. These gatherings are hosted in a member’s home and invitations go out to current members only due

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Getting out of your own way: Interview with poet & playwright Arlitia Jones

November is NaNoWriMo month, when aspiring writers are encouraged to embark upon the quest to write a novel in one month. I’ve talked about my own attempts to sneak past the internal censor, using contests and challenges like NaNoWriMo, which I think are fun and useful. Arlitia Jones takes part in a similar — and

Getting out of your own way: Interview with poet & playwright Arlitia Jones Read More »

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