Buffy McKay

Linda: 49 Writers Weekly Roundup

This week we launched our annual membership drive, with the goal of bringing many new supporters into the 49 Writers community. If you follow this blog and enjoy reading the wide variety of posts by regular and guest bloggers, please consider making a financial commitment to the organization. Because we are a community-based nonprofit, your

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49 Writers Weekly Roundup

Publisher Vered Mares with two of her authors, Kris Farmen and Martha Amore Another book launch to remember! Between Don Rearden’s musical extravaganza for The Raven’s Gift on June 27 and last night’s party for Weathered Edge (a trio of novellas by Kris Farmen, Martha Amore, and Buffy McKay), complete with roller girls, music by Jonathan Bower,

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49 Writers Weekly Roundup

This year’s Alaska Book Week is revving up thanks to 49 Writers member and volunteer Mary Kudenov, who is coordinating our annual celebration of Alaska’s authors and their books for her MFA practicum. She has already secured the participation of many libraries and bookstores across the state, and is now seeking authors who are available

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