Debby Dahl Edwardson

From Our Archives: An Interview with Debby Dahl Edwardson

Debby Dahl Edwardson Way back in 2008, before Debby Dahl Edwardson’s My Name is Not Easy was nominated for the National Book Award, we interviewed her about her writing process and her passion for “Alaska’s Books for Alaska’s Kids,” now taking shape as an initiative to be piloted in several Alaska school districts next year. […]

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Andromeda/Your Turn: Writer in the middle — Amazon, B&N, and NBA nominee Debby Dahl Edwardson

Imagine: You write a book. It receives an exceptional top honor. And still, you can’t find it in bookstores across the nation. This is the problem plaguing Barrow writer Debby Dahl Edwardson, whose YA book, My Name Is Not Easy, was a National Book Award nominee. Perhaps you already read the details in the March

Andromeda/Your Turn: Writer in the middle — Amazon, B&N, and NBA nominee Debby Dahl Edwardson Read More »

Ann Dixon Repost: An Interview with Debby Dahl Edwardson

 Our thanks to librarian, children’s author, and 49 Writers member Ann Dixon, who gave permission for us to reprint this interview originally posted on February 6, 2011 on her blog Kid Lit North. Above, children’s author Debby Dahl Edwardson.  A while ago I wrote about Blessing’s Bead, a wonderful novel by Barrow resident Debby Dahl Edwardson. Debbie has

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49 Writers Weekly Round-Up

Back in business after a 48-hour internet/cable outage, with a reminder that we’re now opening slots for our 2010 featured authors. We’d like one featured author each month, responsible for four posts per month. You can write about anything that would be of interest to our readers. We also run an author photo plus a

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49 Writers Weekly Round-Up

Have you weighed in on the MFA question this week? We’d love to hear from writers who’ve earned MFAs, who are working on MFAs, or who are wondering if they should pursue MFAs. Another popular post this week was part two of featured author Ken Waldman’s “In Defense of Self-Promotion.” Ken’s post along with Mark

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49 Writers weekly round-up

Whether you’re a Fairbanks author or visiting Fairbanks for the ASLA conference, we’d love to have you join us for another 49 Writers no-host face-to-face this Saturday, October 17 at 9 p.m. at the Westmark’s Red Lantern lounge. An RSVP would be great (, but if you don’t get around to it, feel free to

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