from the archives

From the Archives: Why Do All This Work? A Guest Post by Charles Wohlforth

Charles Wohlforth In combing our archives for great posts you may have missed, we came across this one by Charles Wohlforth. First published nearly five years ago, it seems especially timely as we launch a new year of literary enterprises. Writing a book that’s worth reading is hard enough. Doing it without going broke is

From the Archives: Why Do All This Work? A Guest Post by Charles Wohlforth Read More »

From our Archives: The Long and Winding Road to the Writing Life, by Bill Sherwonit

Bill Sherwonit When talking about the writing life, I like to tell a story from my geology days, about a boss who absolutely loved the work we did. As I recount in Changing Paths: Travels and Meditations in Alaska’s Arctic Wilderness (2009, University of Alaska Press), “Inwardly I cringed when a crew leader named Joe talked about

From our Archives: The Long and Winding Road to the Writing Life, by Bill Sherwonit Read More »

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