Ken Waldman

Residency? by Ken Waldman

Inspired by a friend who applied for, and received, a three-month internship at a honeybee sanctuary during the pandemic, in early 2021 I applied for more than a dozen writing residencies. Like so many other submissions, this was mostly met with rejection. But also like so much of this work, putting in an initial effort

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How One Alaskan Has Made a Living as a Writer: A Guest Post by Ken Waldman

Occasionally, people congratulate me for beating the odds and making my living as a writer. It used to be that I’d try to explain that while I indeed wrote, and have had some success, earning money was more complicated than that, and I wasn’t exactly “making my living as a writer.” Now, when people congratulate

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How One Alaskan Started Writing Poems: A Guest Post by Ken Waldman

Early August 1985, soon to turn thirty, I arrived in Fairbanks to begin the MFA program in Creative Writing at UAF. I didn’t know anyone in Fairbanks, knew virtually nothing about the program. But earlier that year, in Seattle, amidst a failing relationship, I’d written a short story which seemed so much better than anything

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49 Writers Weekly Round-Up

Ah, the holidays. After all the rush, it’s good to relax and enjoy the company of those we love. So we’ll keep the news short and to the point. But do read to the end, where you’ll find our little gift to you. The new year will bring several exciting developments here at 49 Writers.

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