
Your Turn: NaNoWriMo (or not)?

I’m having trouble getting online at all today (make it all this month) because I have not one but TWO kids at home, taking part in NaNoWriMo. Anyone out there taking part in the month-long event, which challenges participants to write an entire fast-draft novel of 50,000 words (less for the younger participants) in the

Your Turn: NaNoWriMo (or not)? Read More »

National Novel Writing Month starts in less than 3 days — and kids can take part, too!

I am envious. A lot of people are getting ready to have some fun, and I’m watching from the sidelines this year. The fun I’m talking about is NaNoWriMo — National Novel Writing Month, during which writers of all kinds (including people who have never written before) attempt to write a novel of 50,000 words

National Novel Writing Month starts in less than 3 days — and kids can take part, too! Read More »

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