Visit me at Librarything!

I know you’ve seen the image before, but I’m posting it BIG to celebrate the release, last week, of the paperback edition of my debut novel. Any of you who want to be virally helpful by telling potential readers about my novel, you will have earned my deepest gratitude. Word of mouth is everything these days, so if you’ve read the book, let others know about it; if you are interested in Spain, the cello, music, Picasso, Franco, politics, love, or red wine & olives, please check it out.

As a next stop on my virtual book tour (now that I am back from the Alaska wilderness) between now and October 1, I am taking part in an author chat at Librarything, where I hope at least a few of you will visit me! (Solitude in the woods is nice; solitude online at a chat-group, not-so-nice.)

What IS Librarything? Like Shelfari and Goodreads, it is a social networking and cataloguing site for bibliophiles. Some call it “MySpace or Facebook for books.” A half-million members strong, it’s also been called “one of the Seven Wonders of the Web.”

At Librarything, you can do several things. If you catalog all of your books, the site can give you relevant reading recommendations based on your current collection, or show you other people who read the same books you do, or provide other weird info, like how your library matches the library of famous dead people. (This is made possible by a group called “I see famous people’s dead books,” which has catalogued works owned by JFK, Kafka, and Mary Queen of Scots, just to name a few.)

If you, like me, don’t feel ready to catalog your personal library, you can still use Librarything to find chat groups, reader reviews, author chats, and book giveaways, just by registering. It’s like amazon and the Library of Congress and your friend’s personal book blog, all in one.

2 thoughts on “Visit me at Librarything!”

  1. Hey — thanks for the note. You’re right. There are things to be done, and I just need to do them.

    You have met me, once, at Kachemak Bay in…2005? I was one of about 500 of Sherry’s students who were there. Not that that’ll help you to remember. I don’t expect you to. 🙂

  2. Andromeda Romano-Lax

    Glad to meet you again, Sig. Your post was great and I look forward to reading you (or hearing from you) again.

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