Could this be you?? |
One more week left to apply! 49 Writers is seeking an energetic, enthusiastic executive director to fill the shoes of current leader Linda Ketchum, when she departs for distant shores at the end of this year. For the job description and information on how to apply, go to the 49 Writers website or click the logo at the top of the blog sidebar. Hours and working arrangement very flexible (we do not have an “office”). We know you’re out there! Our state is brimming with hidden talent, so don’t be shy–step forward now.
49 Writers annual membership drive. If you enjoy following this blog and even if you check in only occasionally, please consider becoming a member if you haven’t already made a contribution. Member donations help us keep supporting writers around Alaska, and many of you tell us how much you value the blog. We hit more than 30,000 page views in the last month (more than double from a year ago), so we must be doing something that resonates with you, our beloved community of writers. Help us reach our goal of 100 new members in 2014: we’re closing in at 91! Membership starts at a modest $49, and seniors, full-time students and members of the military can join for as little as $25.
Alaskan authors: we need your help
Author Cindy Dyson (And She Was) is rallying Alaska authors to help with a campaign spearheaded by Detroit News reporter Kim Kozlowski to make Detroit the Free Little Libraries capital of the world. Alaskan authors who want to participate promise to send at least one signed copy of their books to the project headquarters by the second week in November, to seed an “Alaskan Little Library in Detroit,” which will be raffled to one of the donors who chose that perk.
To participate, authors should email Dyson [dyson (at)] with their contact info, the title(s) of the books they’ll contribute, and links to info/pics about them and their work. From this information, she’ll create a webpage, blog posts, and tweets about their involvement. She’ll offer a guest blog post on our site for any authors who’d like to write one, and she’ll also create a graphic that authors can use in creating their own buzz through their networks on their involvement in the project and a guest blog post for any of who’d like to use it. The idea is to give participating authors a nice boost in publicity while providing the little library project some fun incentives to donors. The sooner authors sign on to help, the more Alaska love we spread to Detroit, so Dyson hopes you’ll send your info right away.
- Saturday, Nov. 1, 10am-1pm, 645 W. 3rd Avenue, Anchorage: Complex and Conflicted Characters, creative writing workshop with Don Rearden (The Raven’s Gift). This workshop was popular with writers in Juneau and Soldotna, so sign up now!
- Thursday, Nov. 13, 7pm, Great Harvest Bread Co., Anchorage: Reading & Craft Talk with Lee Goodman (Indefensible)
- Saturday, Nov. 22, 9am-12pm, 645 W. 3rd Avenue, Anchorage: Composition by Juxtaposition, creative writing workshop with Caroline Goodwin (Trapline), Alaska-born Caroline moved from Sitka in 1999 to attend Stanford as a Wallace Stegner fellow in poetry. She is currently serving as the first Poet Laureate of San Mateo County, CA and teaching in the MFA Writing program at California College of the Arts in San Francisco.
- Monday, Dec. 1, 6-9pm, Juneau (location TBD): Composition by Juxtaposition, creative writing workshop with Caroline Goodwin.
Monday, Nov. 3, 5–7pm, UAA Campus Bookstore (map): Sharon Emmerichs of the UAA English Department presents “The Seven Deadlies: Shakespeare and the Virtue of Sin,” an examination of seven Shakespeare plays in regard to one of the seven deadly sins: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. Emmerichs received her BA in English literature from the University of Oregon and her MA and Ph.D. from the University of Missouri. Come find yourself in Shakespeare!
Thursday, Nov. 6, 5–7pm, UAA Campus Bookstore: Peter Metcalf presents his new book, Dangerous Idea, in which he tells the overlooked but powerful story of Alaska Natives fighting for their rights under American law which propelled the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, one of the biggest claim settlements in United States history. Peter Metcalfe is the author of several books documenting the history of Alaska Native tribal organizations, most recently Gumboot Determination.
All UAA Campus Bookstore events are informal, free and open to the public. There is free parking for bookstore events in the South Lot, the West Campus Central Lot (behind Rasmuson Hall), the Sports Lot and the Sports NW Lot. For more information call Rachel Epstein at 786-4782 or email Or see Note: UAA Campus Bookstore podcasts are posted in iTunes or iTunes U–just search UAA or UAA Campus Bookstore. Or see
Saturday, Nov. 1, 1pm, Main Meeting Room of the Downtown Juneau Public Library: NaNoWriMo Kickoff Event and Write-In. Subsequent Saturday Write-Ins will take place on Nov. 8 at the Mendenhall Valley branch and Nov. 15 at the Douglas branch. Please visit the official forums and associated Google Calendar for additional info and check back here often for news, up-to-the-minute updates or just to say “Hi” to your fellow Wrimos! Follow this group on Facebook at
Friday, Nov. 7, 7pm, UAF, Wood Center Ballroom: Reading by Midnight Sun Visiting Writer Adrianne Harun. Harun is the author of a story collection, The King of Limbo, a Sewanee Writers’ Series selection and a Washington State Book Award finalist, and a novel, A Man Came Out of a Door in the Mountain. Her stories have won awards from Story magazine and the Chicago Tribune and been listed as notable in both Best American Short Stories and Best American Mystery Stories. Most recently, Adrianne was awarded a 2015 fellowship from the Civitella Ranieri Foundation in Umbria, Italy. Adrianne teaches at the Rainier Writing Workshop, an MFA program at Pacific Lutheran University, and at the Sewanee School of Letters at Sewanee, the University of the South. She lives in Port Townsend, Washington.
Opportunities for Alaskan Writers
Early Bird Preregistration for next year’s AWP conference ends Oct. 31. Register today for #AWP15, which runs from April 7-11, 2015, at the Minneapolis Convention Center and the Hilton Minneapolis Hotel. The early-bird registration period offers the more significantly discounted rates for North America’s best-attended and most dynamic literary conference.
Young Emerging Artists, Inc. is happy to announce that registration for the Alaska Region of the Scholastic Art and Writing Competition is now open to students in Grades 7-12 in public, private or home schools throughout the entire State of Alaska. Students must submit their work no later than Dec. 20, 2014. If you have questions please contact the President of YEA, Ben Ball, at or, if you have a contest specific question, write to Students and teachers register at