Weekly Roundup of Writing Opportunities for May 20

Book Signing | Friday, May 20, 1-3 pm, Alaska Geographic
Toklat In Trouble, by Libby Hatton, a
children’s picture book about a wolf pup in Denali National Park, will be
launched with a book signing at Alaska Geographic’s bookstore on
Ship Creek Ave, next to the Bridge Restaurant and the ULU Factory. Toklat
is an adventuresome pup who learns about life’s hazards in a national park. The
book was written with concerns about the dropping wolf numbers in Denali, it
was illustrated with the intent to replace the out-of-date big bad wolf image
with a lovable character living in a wondrous and treasured place.
Monday, June
 at 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM at UAA Bookstore
Authors Bonnye Matthews, C.M. McCoy, Steven
Levi, Sharon Emmerichs and Alyse Knorr share their work in various literary
genres, including prehistoric
fiction, mystery, fantasy, romance and poetry.
Bear Stories
Thursday, June 9, evening show, time
TBA at Bear Tooth Theatrepub
Music by Todd Grebe & Cold Country
| Tickets: $12, available May 24
Hosted by the International Association for
Bear Research and Management (IBA) with Arctic Entries volunteers and Bear
Tooth. Proceeds benefit bear conservations.
The Fairbanks Arts Association is the host of the oldest Literary Reading in the State.
Every month, the public is treated to writers reading their own work and a
community meet-up where people can connect with other lovers of
literature. Readings are held on the day after First Friday, usually
the first Saturday
 of the month at 7 pm. Most reading are
held in the Bear Gallery in Pioneer Park, although occasionally in the summer
(June, July, and August) the weather is beautiful reading are held outside to
another spot in Pioneer Park. Upcoming: 
June 4: Community Writers Group and
Alaska Writers Guild 
July 9: Nicole Stellon O’Donnell
August 6: Paul Greci
September: UAF Faculty Reading
October: TBA
November: TBA
December: Rosemary McGuire
Additional readings and literary events may
be held, but the First Saturday Literary Reading Series will always be at 7 pm
the day after First Friday (Except February). 
Series at Denali Education Center | The Community Series
is a collection of events throughout the summer that promote the arts and
sciences featuring artists, naturalists, musicians, workshops, lectures, films
and educational programs. Many programs are free. All are held in the Charles
Sheldon Center, a post and beam building constructed and maintained with
countless hours of volunteer effort. More info
Earth! An Homage to Edward Abbey, Margaret Murie, and Charles Sheldon
Wednesday, June
 at 7:00 pm | A writer’s reading about how authors Edward Abbey,
Margaret Murie, and Charles Sheldon influenced how we think about and
experience “wild-ness”. Join writers Sean
(Finding Abbey), Erica Watson, Christine Byl (Dirt Work: An
Education in the Woods
), and Tom
(Denali Journal) as they
read excerpts of their work and discuss those who influenced it.
National Parks: 100 Years of American Splendor
Kim Heacox
Sunday, June
at 7:00 pm | Celebrate 100 years of America’s National Parks with
award winning author, photographer, and DEC writer in residence, Kim Heacox. He
will discuss his collaboration with National Geographic and the National Park
Service and his new book The National Parks: An Illustrated History.
Alaskan Writing
with Frank Soos
Monday, July
at 7:00 pm | Join author of short stories and essays Frank Soos, as
he discusses contemporary Alaskan writing. He will highlight a selection of
fiction writers, essayists, and poets, some who will be familiar to visitors,
but many unknown and well worth seeking out and reading.

49 Writers is pleased to partner with
the Machetanz Arts Festival at the Mat-Su College on June 4
and 5 to facilitate six writing workshops and two panel discussions. Register
Full schedule: 
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Session I (9:30 – 11:30 am)
Julie LeMay | Finding Yourself in a Poem
While focusing on poetic techniques like
metaphor and repetition, this workshop will use writing exercises to create
poems about the self. Whether you’re a beginning or experienced poet, you’ll
find this workshop a playful approach to getting some poems on the page. Open
to all levels. 
Session II (12:30 – 2:30 pm)
Alyse Knorr | How Shall I Begin?
Starting Your Piece with a Bang 
How do writers keep readers reading? What’s
the best way to begin your short story, novel, memoir, or poem to set the mood,
establish themes, and introduce conflict? This workshop will explore the art of
beginnings, introductions, and first words. We will look at some top-notch
examples, work through craft exercises, and finish class with several new
beginnings and approaches to beginnings!
Session III (2:45 – 4:45 pm)
Don Rearden | The Sphere of Writing
Learn how to advance your fiction and
nonfiction to the next level by giving your writing a 360-degree
transformation. In this workshop you’ll be guided through a series of fun writing
prompts that will help you understand and see the world your characters live in
a new light. Learn how to craft complex and detailed environments and watch
your characters come to life within their new realm of existence.
Panel Discussion (5 – 6:30 pm)
Panel: Julie LeMay, Alyse Knorr, Don Rearden
| “You’ve Written Something, Now What?” 
You’ve written your masterpiece, now what?
This panel will explore the different ways to get feedback on your written work
and how to decide where to submit your work for publication. We’ll discuss
literary journals, agents, developmental editors, and all the behind-the-scenes
work you need to accomplish between your first draft and getting your words in
front of readers.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Session I (9:30 – 11:30 am)
Lynn Lovegreen | Playing With
Good writers use description to set the scene
or reveal character. We’ve all read a great line or sentence that describes
perfectly, or cringed when a writer does too much or not enough. But how do we
do that effectively? This workshop will explore description through reading and
discussing examples, playing around with writing exercises, and finding what
works for the writer in a specific audience, genre, and style.
Session II (12:30 – 2:30 pm)
Martha Amore | Capturing Character: The
Mechanics of Writing Great Characters in Fiction and Nonfiction
Whether you are writing fiction or
nonfiction, crafting complex and emotionally moving characters is critical to a
successful piece of writing. This workshop focuses on how to develop your
characters while advancing your story.
Session III (2:45 – 4:45 pm)
Susanna Mishler | Walking the Line
What exactly is a poetic line made of? What
difference does it make where the line “breaks”? In this workshop
participants will examine lines by contemporary English-language poets that are
used to achieve very different effects. We will also experiment with lineation
strategies and types with in-class exercises. Our exercises and guided
discussion will help illuminate what makes a strong poetic line, and how an
understanding of poetic lines can enhance our own writing and reading. Suitable
for poets and prose writers, as well as readers, who would like to broaden
their knowledge of poetic craft.
Panel Discussion (5 – 6:30 pm)
Panel: Lynn Lovegreen, Susanna Mishler,
Martha Amore | Writing About Alaska Without Moose
How do you write authentically about a place
that has inspired so much clichéd literature? We’ll explore how to develop
written work imbued with place that doesn’t descend into overly-familiar themes
and images.
Through the AmeriCorps Vista program, Anchorage
Public Library
 is hiring a summer associate at the Z. J. Loussac
Library to promote summer reading and work with teen volunteers. Summer
Associates will:
• Recruit, train, and supervise volunTEENs
(volunteers between 12 and 18 years of age)
• Develop team building and training
opportunities for volunTEENs to supplement their community service to the
• Promote summer reading celebration to youth
from birth to age 18, including signing up kids and distributing prizes
• Assist library staff with summer reading
celebration programs and other library programs
• Assist library staff with special projects
Compensation for Summer Associates:
• A bi-weekly living allowance of $568.32
• A $1,174.60 education award upon completion
of the full term of service (or a smaller cash award)
• Summer Associates will serve from 5/24/2016
to 7/30/2016
• Eligible applicants will have a high school
degree (or equivalent) and be 19 years of age by 5/23/2016. 
To apply, please go to https://my.americorps.gov | The direct listing is here.
Literary, literacy award nominations due May
are being accepted for 2016 Contributions to Literacy in Alaska (CLIA) Awards.
The program is a statewide effort to recognize people and agencies who support
literature and literacy in the north. The awards, presented by Alaska
Center for the Book annually since 1993, honor individuals and institutions who
have made a significant contribution to literacy efforts, to the literary arts,
or preservation of the written or spoken word in Alaska. Past winners include
librarians, teachers, writers, tutors, learning programs, volunteers and others
dedicated to making the world a better place through the gift of language. Last
years’ winners were historian Dee Longenbaugh of Juneau: Barrow author Debby
Dahl Edwardson; Dr. Edna McLean of Anchorage, author of an Inupiaq-English
dictionary; and “Alaska Spirit of Reading,” a literacy program based in Sitka.
Although the initial deadline was in April, the deadline
has been extended to May 31.
 Nomination forms are available on-line at
Alaska Center for the Book’s web site or by calling 907-786-4379.
Awards will be presented in July during the
University of Alaska’s Northern Renaissance Arts and Sciences reading series,
held in conjunction with UAA’s MFA program in Creative Writing.
Alaska Center for the Book is Alaska’s
affiliate to the Library of Congress Center for the Book. The non-profit,
all-volunteer board partners with literary, educational, arts and humanities
organizations to host and sponsor events across the state, including Reading
Rendezvous, Alaska Reads, Poems in Place, Letters About Literature and more. Contact:
Carol Sturgulewski (907) 764-1604
Seeking Storytellers | On the evening of Thursday, June 9, the International
Association for Bear Research and Management 
is hosting a Bear
Storytelling Night 
at the Bear Tooth Theatrepub. The
format will be inspired by Arctic Entries. The theme for the show is bears: bear
encounters, bear lessons, bear observations, bear obsessions, bear ANYTHING.
Bear biologists, Alaskans of all ages, visitors, anyone who has a good bear
tale – are welcome to tell us their best bear stories! 
Arctic Entries volunteers will help with story selection and story
coaching for the show. 

This event will feature seven storytellers who will be
selected based on the range of stories submitted – from the funny to the scary,
adorable to the bizarre, and everything in between. 
Once a story is submitted, they will follow
up either in person, on the phone, or through email. Arctic Entries volunteers
will work with you on developing the story, fleshing out the parts that elicit
a range of reactions from the audience, and finding a storytelling technique
that works for you. 
They provide assistance with stage fright. 
Submit stories
to submityourbearstory@gmail.com. Include your name, email address, and
phone number along with your story pitch.  
Edible Alaska seeks writers and
| A new magazine focused on food culture and practices in
Alaska, will hit the newsstands in June. Currently they are getting ready to
launch their website with lots of new content. They seek writers,
photographers, recipe writers, and local chefs (who want to be a resource to
Article pitches should fall (loosely) into
the categories: eat, drink, and food for thought. Web articles will be between
250-400 words and will pay about $50 per piece and an additional $25 for an
accompanying photograph. The rate is somewhat negotiable for more experienced
writers/photographers and for longer pieces. 
They seek original recipes that can
include your standard recipe and a “how-to” video. They are not
looking for another profile about a great microbrewery or reviews of well-known
restaurants. They want to expand what people know and think about food (and
food culture) in Alaska while creating an archive of food practices throughout
the state (both urban and rural).
Please email your pitch to bree@edibleak.com
with the subject line: Edible Article Pitch.  Please include in your pitch
sample writing clips, if you have any. The magazine is particularly
interested in recruiting writers from outside of Anchorage and writers who live
in rural/bush areas of the state.  Don’t let a lack of writing experience
deter you from pitching a story, they are interested in cultivating new writers
who have great stories to share.”
Alaska Magazine seeks
pitches from new and established writers.
| They are a publication for
Alaska enthusiasts and need a wide variety of articles. The best section to
break into the magazine is KtoB (formerly Ketchikan to Barrow), which includes
everything from cool job profiles to End of the Trail obituaries to a short
write up about an Alaska-made product. They’d also like to see queries about
culture, history, nature, interviews with Alaskans and feature articles ideas.
Review recent hard copy issues of Alaska magazine and visit www.alaskamagazine.com to learn more, and then send short, descriptive
pitches to freelance contributing editor Susan Sommer
at sbsommer@mtaonline.net.
13 Chairs Literary Journal out of JBER seeks short stories and poetry from new and
emerging authors, as well as volunteers. To learn more, read the current issue,
or submit, visit 13chairs.com or email or info@13chairs.com.
The fifteenth Kachemak Bay Writers’
 will be held on June 10-14 in Homer. This
year’s keynote is Pulitzer Prize winning, National Poet Laureate Natasha
Trethewey, who will be joined by Miriam Altshuler (agent), Dan
Beachy-Quick, Richard Chiappone, Jennine Capó Crucet, Alison Hawthorne Deming,
Forrest Gander, Lee Goodman, Richard Hoffman, Erin Coughlin Hollowell,
Sarah Leavitt, Nancy Lord, Jane Rosenman (editor), Peggy Shumaker, Sherry
Simpson, Frank Soos, and David Stevenson. For more information and
to register go to the website
49 Writers members get creative at Tutka Bay Lodge
Register now for the 2016 Tutka Bay Writers Retreat, a
49 Writers program which will take place on September 9-11th at
the fantastic Tutka Bay Lodge. Faculty instructor award-winning writer Debra
Magpie Earling
 will lead fiction writers in an in-depth writing
workshop. Emphasizing in-class writing supportiveness, collegiality, and
constructive atmosphere, the engaged student will emerge with improved
techniques for further work. Early registration fee is $600 for members and
$650 for nonmembers. Learn more and register.
The sixth annual North Words Writers
 will be held May 25-28 in Skagway.
Novelist/essayist/editor and storyteller supreme Brian Doyle of Portland,
Oregon (Mink RiverThe PloverMartin Marten, and
the forthcoming Chicago) will be the 2016 keynote author. He will
be joined by Alaskan authors Kim Heacox, Eowyn Ivey, Heather Lende, Lynn
Schooler, John Straley, and Emily Wall.Learn
more and register
Wrangell Mountains Writing Workshop’s Riversong float
July 20-26, 2016 in
beautiful McCarthy, Alaska and the surrounding Wrangell St. Elias National Park
& Preserve. 

year’s workshop features a dynamic staff including poet, essayist and
singer/songwriter David Lynn Grimes; professional
singer/songwriter Michelle McAfee; visual artist, writer,
and songwriter Robin
; and longstanding workshop director, poet, and essayist Nancy Cook.  The workshop will include
two nights and a full day of craft sessions at the Wrangell Mountains Center in
McCarthy, followed by a four night educational float trip along the Kennicott,
Nizina, Chitina, and Copper Rivers of South-central Alaska.   $975
includes all meals, instruction, and guided river trip with McCarthy River
Tours & Outfitters
.  (And yes, that’s an amazing
deal!)  Check out the smiles in last year’s Riversong album, or paddle on over to the Wrangell
Mountain Center’s website
to register.  Workshop limited to
eight student writers/songwriters.  Register now!  

Thank You for Your Support!
Over 10,000 people read the blog each month.
The blog is made possible by 49 Writers members, along with all of the
workshops, author tours, Crosscurrents events, readings, and craft talks we
offer. Won’t you join them by becoming a member or renewing your membership? Join
 49 Writers Volunteer Seta
Have news or events you’d like to see listed
here? Email details to 49roundup (at) gmail.com. Your message must be received
by noon on the Thursday before the roundup is scheduled to run. Unless your
event falls in the “Opportunities” category, it should occur no more
than 30 days from when we receive your email.