Writing the Distance: Christina Whiting

The Covid 19 pandemic is isolating Alaskan writers. We can no longer attend workshops or public readings. The coffee bars where we met with other writers are closed. To bridge these physical gaps, 49 Writers is providing this on-line forum for Alaskans writing the distance. Today, Christina Whiting provides a poem and photograph.

Waiting to fly

Soft, sacred
this tender space
grey chair like a nest
my body a robin’s egg
afghan twigs surrounding me
tattered books supporting me
nourished by tea and chocolate
wings damp and ruffled
perched high up in this forested view
waiting to fly


Christina Whiting is a Homer writer working on a book of essays around the theme of identity, inspired after finding and meeting her birth parents.

1 thought on “Writing the Distance: Christina Whiting”

  1. Beautiful poem!
    I’ve gone back and reread it 3 times now.
    I am really enjoying the poetry’s on 49 writers posts.

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