Andromeda: Best of the Blog 2012 We need your input!

One of the biggest misconceptions we occasionally hear, even from guest-bloggers themselves is, “Not many people read my post. I only got (0,1,2…) comments.” But comments don’t tell us about page views, and we know for sure that a regular readership plus a larger, stumble-upon readership visits often — and they favor some posts over others.

We decided to find out which posts are most often read — or simply best loved, regardless of numbers — by initiating a new prize, the “Best of the 49 Writers Blog 2012.” We need your help. Here’s how it works.

We started a long-list by finding the 2012 posts that got the most views. Some trends are clear: bloggers writing about certain much-asked-about-practical-issues get a lot of readers. For example: David Marusek’s post about ebook conversions, or Amy Houk’s guide to mastering the MFA. Our readers also seem to like interviews, as well as thoughtful and personal posts about craft or genre considerations (see Lucian Childs “Why I write short stories” and Nicole O’Donnell on the subject of poetry readings). Our readers enjoy philosophical and literary musings: witness how many stopped by to read Kathleen Tarr on Salman Rushie, and Jonathan Bower on Montaigne. You can draw more of your own conclusions by scanning our link list below. Note that some of these bloggers may also have gotten high view-counts because they shared their posts via FB and email. That’s great — and a hint for our 2013 featured authors and guest-posters.

Putting this list together was a pleasure because it reminded me of how many great posts we’ve had, even in just the last year, and what a truly community effort this blog is. This list should also provide some inspiration for people who are thinking about applying to be 2013 featured authors. The call is still open, with most open slots in late 2013. If you’re ready to slip a toe in the water without taking the full plunge, we’re open to individual guest-posts anytime. Questions about the contest or this post? Email

More about the contest itself:
1. We may have missed some of your favorite posts. Please add to this long-list by adding a comment with the name of the author, post, and date, and we’ll update this page.

2. We excluded from this list anything written by our founding bloggers, Andromeda and Deb, or our Director, Linda. We want the focus on the featured authors and guest-posters who keep new ideas flowing through this community space.

3. Many of the writers below had more than one highly-viewed post. To keep things simple, for our very popular bloggers, we picked just one of their posts. If you favor a different one, add it in the comment box.

This is the start of the long-list. We need to grow it. And we also need to get “seconds” on these nominations, so that we can compile a short-list. Just write a comment, “I second nomination of the post by (blogger name).” Only seconded nominations will continue to the next stage.

From the short-list we’ll make a poll. The blogger who wins the poll will get a $25 bookstore giftcard donated by Andromeda, and more thanks from all of us at 49 Writers!

Most-viewed posts of 2013

Rich Chiappone: The Windup and the Pitch 11/19/12


23 thoughts on “Andromeda: Best of the Blog 2012 We need your input!”

  1. I second Nicole Stellon O'Donnell's "Another Boring Poetry Reading" and I would like to add another Nicole post from July 18, 2012: "Advice to Poets".

  2. Tell bloggers not to be discouraged by the number of comments. I've been a faithful reader of the blog for more than a year now, yet this is my first comment. My favorite posts were Liz's interview with the Romance Writers of America (6/25) and Andromeda's Serendipity (5/10. And I laughed my way through Don's post So You Have a Movie Idea (11/8).

  3. I second Kathleen Tarr's post and would have nominated any of them from her featued author month of thoughtful blogging.

  4. I just read Lucian's blog on "Why I write short stories." I see everyone seconding blogs, so I want to do that for Lucian's piece here. Officially: I second the blog post by Lucian Childs, "Why I write short stories."

    To provide more information: I often hear that short stories have fallen out of favor. However, it is difficult for me to understand why short stories are not all the rage. Lucian's blog made me think a bit more about the current state of short stories in the reading world.

    Everyone is inundated with information these days. In my own work, I try to write in a manner that lets readers come and go at their will, and to some degree lets them start where they want and stop where they want, as they deal with such things as facebook and kids and jobs and news and decent snow for skiing, etc. With that reality in mind, it often seems to me that short stories should be at the top of everyone's list, since we all suffer from lack of time and most of us suffer from one degree or another of attention deficit disorder. I wonder if the current lack of interest in short stories is one of marketing rather than content. Readers might love to have access to short stories, but they don't want a whole collection (which is how short stories are often marketed). A collection would be yet another commitment. The same goes for magazines, which also constitute a commitment. So what about short stories delivered to devices (smart phones) with word counts low enough to be read on the metro, the bus, in line to clear through TSA, etc.? Is anyone trying to tap that potential market? Or some similar market?

    I heard Lucian read one of his stories at a public event recently, and it had the haunting quality that should sell (i.e., attract a readership). Point being: The content is there, and is meaningful, so the alleged or apparent lack of interest must be one of marketing rather than content.

    The form is challenging, especially the form of the short/short. Try getting a meaningful story down in less than 1000 words some time. It is not easy.

    Another issue with short stories: It seems to me that the education system is stuck on the same few short stories that were written in the 40s through the 60s–my son had to read the same stories that I read as a kid. That cannot be right.

    Sorry to blather on so, but this is important.

  5. Lynn Lovegreen wrote: I second nominations for blog posts by Rich Chiappone, Lucian Childs, Nicole Stellon O'Donnell, and Kris Farmen

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