Andromeda/Your Turn: Looking for Gold Rush Fiction

This June I’ll be on a panel at the new North Words Writers Symposium in Skagway — more on that conference coming up very soon — and contemplating the trip reminded me that I’d really like to read a few good gold rush novels before I go. Do they exist?

I have read some wonderful memoirs from that time period, especially memoirs by women. But I don’t think I’ve stumbled upon as many novels. I’m most interested in the famous Klondike region, but I suppose anything set in Alaska/Yukon at the turn of the century would fit.

Readers, can you help?

6 thoughts on “Andromeda/Your Turn: Looking for Gold Rush Fiction”

  1. Vicki Delany's series – her first GOLD DIGGER: A KLONDIKE MYSTERY and next month GOLD FEVER – featuring Martha Witherspoon, a writer with more tenacity than talent. I also like Claire Rudolf Murphy's books GOLD RUSH DOGS, GOLD RUSH WOMEN, GOLD RUSH WINTER, Will Hobb's YUKON and JASON'S GOLD novels. However, if you search Amazon or B&N, etc., you'll find gold rush fiction in short supply. Let's get writing! Also the Alaska Resources and Information Library is working on a new Iditarod ditial collection of more than 4,000 files.

  2. Wish my WIP The Meanest Miles were in more presentable shape. Post-gold rush, but covering some similar turf with juxtaposed themes, is Amy Bloom's Away.

  3. Andromeda Romano-Lax

    Elisabeth Dabney at UA Press reminds me that they have only nonfiction gold rush titles at present, but they are some good ones.

    The link is

    The greater # of nonfiction vs ficton titles is interesting, isn't it? (Finish that WIP, Deb! Amen to what you said, 'Alaska Author.') Looks like there could be room for some more gold rush fiction!

  4. Such a rich, evocative and well documented bit of history should have inspired more fiction. Fortunately much of the nonfiction reads well and fills the void. I particularly like Prelude to Bonanza and Gold at the Forty Mile. Sue Henry has a modern story line with an integrated historical parallel, can't remember the title. No excuse for the rest of us– the research is easy and lush.

  5. Have any of you ever heard of a writer named Jack London? For my money, his books are still the best in capturing the Klondike gold rush frenzy, fiction or nonfiction.

  6. Andromeda Romano-Lax

    Oops, yes, I did not mean to ignore good old Jack London. What I was seeking was newer titles or ones I'd never heard about! (Mea culpa!)

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