Andromeda/Your Turn: PFD Dreaming…

If you’re like me, you already have your PFD mentally spent on necessities, long before it arrives on October 6. But let’s pretend. If you were to receive an Alaska PFD payment of $1174+ and had to spend it only on writing and/or reading splurges, what would they be?
Here’s how I’d parcel it out.

  • I’d renew my 49writers membership.
  • I’d go on a $200 spending spree at Title Wave, buying a slew of used books.
  • I’d buy a few tickets to upcoming theater productions, in hopes of inspiration and in order to support the great events I all too often miss.
  • And with the rest, I’d buy myself five days of hermit seclusion at a seaside cabin in Seward, taking advantage of low winter rates to do some novel revisions. Ah: the sound of waves rolling over stones, the tap of keys or the scratch of the pen.

That was easy. What about you?

5 thoughts on “Andromeda/Your Turn: PFD Dreaming…”

  1. OK, Andromeda – Thanks for making it easy to purchase my 49Writers membership.

    I'll take this moment to thank 49Writers again for all the incredible work you do, all the connections you help forge, all the art you help create.

    Anybody reading this, please consider supporting this organization by getting your membership in place. Even if you're not in Anchorage, you benefit.
    –Therese Harvey

  2. I have been dreaming about attending a writing workshop in Big Sur. If I had to think smaller, I'd go with Andromeda on the books and other inspirations.

  3. I'd spend it on a trip to Southern California to do research for my 1918 novel (though it still wouldn't be enough to cover it).

  4. I am spending it all on writing and publishing, I just have to decide which things will be purchased and which stay on the wish list 🙂 New laptop, upgrade to InDesign CS5.5, Oxygen (software to edit EPub files), and novel writing software. It's going to be a very difficult decision, especially since I just pre-ordered a Kindle Fire and that's coming from PFD $$ 🙂

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