CANADA SPECIAL: Book news from our foreign neighbor

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to be turning this blog’s binoculars not west (as this wonderfully witty New Yorker cover suggests) but the other direction — toward Canada — which, as we’ve been reminded a lot lately, happens to be another country. And very close to us, too.

In honor of my upcoming travels to Toronto and Montreal, I’m going to be running some items, including a few silly ones, about Canadian books and authors. You’d think that we Alaskans would have more exchanges with our Canadian neighbors — at the very least, with Yukon writers. But as Canadian resident Ellen Bielawski confirms in our next interview, there just isn’t much overlap.

In addition to my maple-flag posts, I’m excited to keep the local coverage going thanks to Deb Vanasse of ALASKAN AUTHORS, who will not only be guest-blogging for 2 weeks, but actually blog-sitting (if there is such a term). I gave her all my secret codes and asked her to keep an eye on the controls back home.
When this blog started way back in August, my long-term vision was to grow it into a collaborative blog that would ultimately be run by a team of reliable (i.e. obsessive) Alaska writer-bloggers. Deb shares that vision, as she may tell you herself in more detail.

Thanks for reading.