49 Writers

Writing in a Time of Pandemic: Richard Stokes and Juneau’s Burn Thompson Writers

As the pandemic worsened in early 2020, Juneau’s Burn Thompson Writing Group, like so many others, shifted from in-person to ZOOM meetings. Our routine had been that each of the 6-10 attendees at twice-monthly gatherings passed out copies of their work, then read it aloud. The others then offered suggestions and asked questions, often marking

Writing in a Time of Pandemic: Richard Stokes and Juneau’s Burn Thompson Writers Read More »

Andromeda Romano-Lax: Making the most of your launch and the writing of promotional “supplementary essays,” Part Two.

Last month, I wrote about things you can do—like developing relationships with other authors and engaging authentically on social media—one to three years before your book is published. Today I’m going to talk about a narrower yet still significant opportunity window, up to a year before pub date and for many months after. Obviously as

Andromeda Romano-Lax: Making the most of your launch and the writing of promotional “supplementary essays,” Part Two. Read More »

Revisiting Fine Work from 2013: Debra Gwartney: A Few Thoughts on Writing Scenes (for memoir writers)

Debra Gwartney is the author of I am a Stranger Here Myself, a memoir published in 2019 for which she was awarded the River Teeth Literary Nonfiction Prize.  Last year she won the WILLA Literary Award in Creative Nonfiction from Women Writing the West. She has also been a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Pacific Northwest

Revisiting Fine Work from 2013: Debra Gwartney: A Few Thoughts on Writing Scenes (for memoir writers) Read More »

Mini-Profile: Bob Armstrong

(Photo, Dan Branch) I first met Bob Armstrong on a sodden day in May. My dog and I were thirty miles north of Downtown Juneau on a tidal meadow that borders Eagle River. Low clouds obscured the surrounding mountains. The buds of early blooming wildflowers were clamped shut. Even the resident Canada geese were absent.

Mini-Profile: Bob Armstrong Read More »

Reposting: Andromeda Romano-Lax—Editing and a Note on Hemingway

To celebrate the tenth year of 49 Writers’ existence and this blog, we are reposting  the work of earlier contributors. Today’s reposting was written by 49 Writers’ founding member, Andromeda Romano-Lax in July, 2011. She is the author of a nonfiction travel narrative and four novels, including Plum Rains, which was published in 2018. According to the

Reposting: Andromeda Romano-Lax—Editing and a Note on Hemingway Read More »