49 Writers

Support Alaska Writers and Readers this Season

Imagine Alaska without books. No The Snow Child. No The Way Winter Comes. No The Cormorant Hunter’s Wife and no Ordinary Wolves. No Blonde Indian. No Winter News. No Two Old Women, nor The Firecracker Boys. No Where the Sea Breaks Its Back. No Leaving Resurrection or Prayers in Wind. You know that books sing, slap, slake, spark. The written word transforms the world we share and our […]

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Deb Vanasse | Where to Look

If you’ve spent any time around infants, you recognize how much of their waking existence is focused on where to look. Grownups look mostly out of necessity—for hazards on the road they’re driving, for the words they’re typing on the screen, for the next item on their to-do lists. Infants look out of wonder, delighted

Deb Vanasse | Where to Look Read More »

Beyond hooked: compelling opening pages and an upcoming workshop

  A true-crime book about multiple grisly murders and the birth of the FBI that begins with descriptions of wildflowers. A commercial thriller that opens with immediate action and tension, featuring a woman spying on her neighbor, in the middle of a tawdry act. A literary novel full of unlikable characters in which we discover,

Beyond hooked: compelling opening pages and an upcoming workshop Read More »

Poetic Conversation | Alaskan Poet Mary Kancewick interviews Lithuanian Poet Marius Burokas

Alaskan poet Mary Kancewick (writing now as Mar Ka) spent the month of July in Vilnius, Lithuania, “trying to improve my knowledge of the Lithuanian language and pursuing research connected to a creative non-fiction project about the effects of political oppression.” Lithuania was, the first of the Eastern Bloc Republics to announce its secession from

Poetic Conversation | Alaskan Poet Mary Kancewick interviews Lithuanian Poet Marius Burokas Read More »