Celebrate Cirque: Claiming another Solstice

The 11th issue of Cirque will be posted at www.cirquejournal.com (Volume 6, Number
1) on Winter Solstice, December 21.   This
release marks five years since Michael Burwell established Cirque, in order to give writers (and
artists) of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest more places to publish their work
– and as a vehicle to bring the best writing of the region to the world.  

In the first issue of Cirque, Burwell
wrote, “Writing comes out of place and Cirque
speaks from and for the North.”  North,
according to Cirque, includes AK, WA,
ID, OR, MT, HI, British Columbia, the Yukon Territory, Alberta and
Chukotka.  To date, Cirque has published the work of over 375 writers and 90 artists
and photographers. None from Chukotka, though. Not yet.  
Burwell created the scaffolding for Cirque, which challenged many of the
standard practices of a literary journal. 
Burwell melded art and writing, creating a literary journal that can
almost claim to be a journal of the arts. 

Cirque can be read
full-text, in full graphic display, online (no charge), in order to fully meet
the goal of bringing Cirque
contributors to the world. Past issues are archived, back to Cirque 1.1, and this preservation of
content will continue. 

Cirque is open to
simultaneous submissions and, occasionally, will take a piece published previously, because some writing needs a wider audience. 

Burwell published the first five issues.  When he moved out of state, he asked Sandra
Kleven to take the reins but obliged when she asked him to work with her.  He has remained involved with each subsequent

Kleven says, “The word mentor is used
rather loosely these days, applied to any teacher/student pairing.  Burwell mentors me in the truest sense of the
word.  His excellence moves my skills to
new levels aiming for the highest of standards.” Partnership has kept Cirque on track, on time, and fully funded
by sales and donations.

The new issue includes

short story, “Mountain Pose,” by noted author Valerie Miner
interview with Vivian Faith Prescott that discusses the passing of former poet
laureate Richard Dauenhauer and their work on Tlingit language revitalization. 
Goodrich’s review of Cynthia Ritchie’s novel, Dolls Behaving Badly and Kathleen Tarr’s review of The Far
Reaches of the Fourth Genre
, by Sean Prentiss and Joe Wilkins. 
issue includes work from 93 writers and 28 visual artists.

On 12/21, hard copies can be ordered at
the web address above. The cost is $25 per issue including postage. 

The next Cirque deadline is March 21st (the equinox).  The submission address is cirque.submits@gmail.com  

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