Deb: 49 Writers weekly round-up

A week from Monday, on March 1, our 49 Writers online book club discussion begins.  If you haven’t picked up your copy of Rock, Water, Wild, there’s still time.  I read mine at the cabin last weekend, enjoying the expansive scope of the book along with the crisp writing and detail.  It’s far from your typical Alaskan memoir.  That’s all I’ll say now – no spoilers.

In Fairbanks, award-winning writer Perry Glasser will read tonight, February 19th at 7 p.m. at the University of Alaska Museum of the North. Part of the Midnight Sun Visiting Writer series, this is a FREE event, open to all students and the public. Glasser’s book Dangerous Places, winner of the 2008 G.S. Sharat Chandra Prize, will be for sale at the event. He is also the author of three collections of short fiction., the state’s online news source, announces the launch of, a new Web site entirely dedicated to Alaskans to tell their stories through words, videos and photos.  Editor Jennifer Canfield, who worked previously as news director at 90.3 KNBA-FM in Anchorage, is actively seeking content.  Recognizing a lack of media coverage in rural Alaska, Canfield and the Dispatch staff promise storytelling guidance and training so locals can cover their own community news in the tradition of citizen journalism. 

John Morgan’s Spear-Fishing on the Chatanika is now up and available to order at the publisher’s website:  The cover features a painting by Alaskan artist Jim Orvik (pictured below). 

Also,Vol. III, “The Tragedies” is the latest release from iUniverse in the “CloudDancer’s Alaskan Chronicles” series.

4 thoughts on “Deb: 49 Writers weekly round-up”

  1. I'm curious about the typical Alaskan memoir–which ones would you classify this way, and do you have a favorite or two?

  2. Great question! My take on the typical Alaskan memoir is the "I came to Alaska and had these really cool-unique-life-changing-experiences story." Alaska does that sort of thing, of course, but I like memoirs that distinguish themselves either by not fitting that mold and/or by such stellar writing that you forget the narrative's not all that unique. Among my favorites: Willie Hensley's Fifty Miles from Tomorrow; Kim Rich's Johnny's Girl; Heather Lende's If You Lived Here I'd Know Your Name (like Nancy Lord's, a collection of essays with elements of memoir); Natalie Kusz's Road Song. But that's far from an extensive list. Readers – others?

  3. I don't know if one of your 10 rules for writing is not to read others' rules for writing, but this list from the Guardian is helpful to me and I would love to see Deb's and Andromeda's 10 rules (unless they are like Philip Pullman)…..

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