Andromeda: Drill, Baby, Drill — Work Party Success at Raven Place

Poets fixing light switches. Novelists painting trim. Journalists and creative nonfiction writers and screenwriters raking, scraping, hammering, even — my heart soars with gratitude — scrubbing out a toilet.

It was a fantastic day last Saturday at Raven Place, the 49 Alaska Writing Center’s new home on L Street. (“L for literature!”) We had sun, we had springtime temps, but even more, we had a great turnout of volunteers who showed up, read the task list, and got working. A huge thank you to Paula, Eric, George, Doug, Sonya, Chris, Pat, Sandra, Don, Susanna, Jen, Aryeh, Tziporah, and Brian. And a continuing thank you for those working on projects that didn’t end on Saturday — the countertop installed on Monday, the renovation of the kitchen into a place where we can all hang out more easily, the ongoing prep for flowers, the planning ahead to 5/22.

You’re all amazing. I am so impressed — and so inspired — I almost can’t find the words.

But quickly here, a few more. If you’d like to join the work crew this coming Saturday, 5/15 from noon to 5 pm, we could use a few more brave souls — especially those who are comfortable with drills (please bring your own). Much of our remaining work involves hanging stuff, putting up shelves, and minor furniture assembly and disassembly. If you’re like me and can’t hang a picture straight, we also have some floor cleaning and a little interior touchup painting to do. If you didn’t come last week, we’d love to see you this Saturday! If you’ve already volunteered once, it’s up to you (of course) if you’d like to volunteer again. No need to stay the whole time. Just let me know with a quick email rsvp to or

And of course, if you’re as inspired as I am, but live outside Anchorage or can’t step away from your manuscript-in-progress (understandable), there are many other ways to help. Become a member and/or, at the $100+ level, a founding donor — signup to the right.